Chapter 3

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Sophies pov.

Four days later.

So today I am going home,ever since the day at the studio I have tried to keep as far away from Andy as I can. I am not loosing Lee,I love him way too much. I do really like Andy as well though.

Once again I am the first up which to be honest does not surprise me.

"morning soph"Brook smiles up at me.

"morning brooky"I say sadly.

"what's up?"

"I'm leaving today"

"it's gone so quick"

"it has,I've really enjoyed it. Thank you"

"that's ok,anything for my little sister"

"I'm gonna really miss you"I go over and hug him.

"I'm gonna miss you more"

I finish getting packed and all ready before the boys woke up so I can make sure I have plenty of time to say bye to them. I'm all packed and ready,just waiting for the boys to wake up.

"I'm gonna miss you all so much"I hug them not wanting to leave.

"we're gonna miss you too"Andy just stands back and watches.

"bye guys"I pick my bags up.

"let me help you"Andy grabs one of my bags and follows me down the stairs.

"so your going"he stops me next to the building where nobody can see us.

"yep"I look at him sadly.

"your so gorgeous"he leans in and kisses me,I kiss back.

"I have a boyfriend"I pull away.

"nobody has to know"he leans in again.

"but I love Lee"


"no,you sound desperate"

"I love you"he looks at me so I peck his lips and grab my bag from him.

"bye Andy"I walk away to my uber.

He turns away and walks back upto the flat.

I get my uber to the train station and a train home where Lee will be waiting for me to get home. I am already missing the boys so much,I really got along with them.

While I was on the train I listened to music while I ate a sandwich and drank a bottle of Dr pepper. I met this very nice old lady on the train,we had a really long conversation about everything. She was very lovely. I also text Brook,he says that all the boys are really missing me.

The moment I see Lee,once I step off the train,I run upto him and hug him. Wrapping my legs around him.

"hey baby"

"hi Lee,I missed you"

"I missed you too"he grabs my bags then we walk to his car.

"did you have a good time with Brook then?"

"a great time,I forgot how much I actually missed him. I really miss him already"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it"

"I really did"

We drove home where my friends were waiting for us. It feels like I've been gone for years,I've only been gone a week. I miss Andy and I don't know why,I like him but I can't because I love Lee.

"you okay babe?"he hugs me.

"I'm fine"I smile.

"good"he kisses my head.

Once everyone has gone home me and Lee go into the house and chill together cuddling. I can't get Andy off my mind,that kiss we had was amazing. I miss him so much. I just I don't know what to do! I need to talk to someone who isn't any of the boys or Lee. So I tell Lee I'm going upstairs,when I do I call my friend libby.

L-hey what's up

S-im having boy trouble

L-whats Lee done

S-nothing,it's just I like someone else

L-as well as Lee


L-ok well you need to decide who you want

S-but I don't know

L-spend some more time with the other boy then decide if you like him or Lee more

S-thank you libby

L-its ok hun


I go downstairs to see Lee asleep on the sofa,I walk over and kiss his lips smiling sadly thinking about how one day I may lose him due to me liking Andy. I go upstairs and get ready for bed,I lay down falling asleep. Just then I get a message through on my phone.

Andy🌵-Goodnight beautiful

He's not going to give up is he.

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