Chapter 1 (A Guardian of Fate)

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One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Osana was patrolling the halls of the grand entrance to the throne room. The clanking of the metal on her boots echoed through the empty rooms. She marched without bending her knees, like she was taught, past the large and intricately designed doors. Focused, she kept her mind and eyes forward at all times, nothing distracting her. Left, left, left right left. Reaching the end of the hall, she stopped, lifted her leg to spin the other way, without moving her body, and clicked her heals together when she faced the opposite direction. Before she continued marching, she repositioned her sword to rest on her other shoulder, not breaking her focus. Starting back down the hall, she continued the chants in her head. Right, right, right left right. Her face was stern, but not angry. The proper way to march was drilled in her mind, just like it was for all the other guards. She was focused on marching properly, because rumors had it that something bad had happened.

She stopped when she heard foot steps behind her. Quickly, she did a 180 ̊ degree spin and pointed her sword at the intruder in a perfect fighting stance. But when she saw who it was, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. It was Madame Kuroko Kamenaga, the royal steward. The tip of Osana's sword was nearly touching her nose, but Kuroko didn't even flinch. She drew her sword back and put it in the holster on her back.

Osana: Kuroko, stop doing that! You know I don't like being startled while I'm patrolling the halls.

Kuroko: I know, Najimi. However, I needed to get your attention.

Osana: Well, at least call out that it's you first. I thought you were a thief.

Kuroko: Could you not hear the heals and the rustling of my dress.

Osana: Hey! I had to think on my feet! That's how I was trained. And stop calling me by my last name. You're not the King or the Queen. It bugs me.

Kuroko: Ms. Najimi, I do not have time to argue with a mere castle guardian. I am here because the Queen requests to see you at once.

Osana: Oh . . . well, where is she?

Kuroko: Where do you think? She's behind those doors on her throne. She's waiting for you now.

She turned and walked back to where she came from. Osana turned toward the door and looked at it. She had talked to both the King and the Queen before, but she had never been in the throne room. She placed her hands on the door and took a deep breath. When she was ready, she pushed both doors open and walked forward as grandly as the doors swung. She discreetly looked around the room. It was like a gigantic ball room with a wide crimson carpet down the center with gold boarders and crystal chandeliers along the sides. Marble pillars were precisely placed all throughout the room spaciously at the ends. She looked forward to see the Queen resting upon her throne, while her husband seemed to be elsewhere. Osana finally reached the end of the carpet, signaling one to stop before the space between the rug and the thrones. She pulled out her sword and kneeled down before her. Like she was taught, she placed the tip of her sword on the ground, holding it out directly in front of her, with her other hand placed on her knee with a bent elbow. Her long orange pigtails were half lying on the ground as if they were dragged, due to their extreme length and her lowered head.

Queen: Rise.

The Queen rose her hand as if she were a wizard, controlling Osana's actions. Osana stood and placed the sword back in its holster.

Osana: You called for me, your highness?

Queen: Yes. As you may have heard, there is a crisis on our hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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