Rewrite the stars...

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A year and a half ago... in London.

As I had gotten comfortable at my desk in the office Tuesday morning browsing through emails and making the to-do list for the day.

 My heart suddenly skipped a beat.

An unknown email address but, a very familiar name. 



Subject: Bachelor/bachelorette party!

Hi! Whats up? How are you?

So I assume Eva has called you and you've heard the news about the marriage plans (finally!). I also assume (there is a lot assuming here;) ) you know I am the best man and I heard you were the maid of honor (of course).

So I have been thinking, what do you think if we maybe have a joint bachelor/ette party for them? I have a friend that has a house here in Malibu. I could rent it for a week/weekend whatever you guys feel like, you all could fly in.. you girls, the boys. We could have a big melting pot, party, gathering for a couple days. I think that would be really fun. And it could be a total surprise to them and then if you want we can have the traditional bachelor/bachelorette parties in Oslo a little closer to the wedding.

Tell me what you think? And if you have other plans, suggestions bring it. I just feel if we are doing this I would need an answer asap so I can "rent" the house.

I'll send you pics. The house is mind-blowing.

Best regards, 


Oh wow!I haven't seen or talked to William in four years. And I for sure didn't think I would see him for another year, until the wedding. I thought I had more time. More time for what Noora? I thought to myself. Mentally prepare to see an ex. Because it's just not another ex-boyfriend. It's William. I mean we lived together, we had a life together, we dreamed about our future together, we almost had a family together. 

Stop! Don't go there now. 

I have a busy day at work I cant go down memory lanes and holes now. 

I'll answer him later, need coffee and something else to occupy my mind. I go up to the fifth floor to see what new books are in. The advantages of working in a publishing house do not only do you get to decide which books to distribute to the audience but, you also get to read a lot of books first and for free. And whats crazy you get paid for doing it too hehe. Did I mention I love my job? :) 

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