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Oliver's P.o.v
I paced around the arrow cave deep in thought. "Oliver? You okay?" Felicity asked me snapping me from my thoughts. "Wha- oh yea I'm fine." "Oh Oliver, we're gonna get Barry back I know it. Don't worry." "What if we don't? What if when we get there he's already dead?" "Oliver don't say that! There's a thing called hope, you should try it sometime." She said to me then walked out. "Felicity, wait I-" "Oliver, just let her cool off" Diggle said. "Fine,"

Felicity's P.o.v
"I can't belive he said that!" I said letting tears fall down my face as I entered my apartment. I looked at a picture of Barry and me I had hidden from Oliver when he was angry with him. "Oh Barry. We'll find you I know we will. I promise you we will." I whispered to the photo. I heard a smash and ran to my living room. Standing there was non other than Slade himself who had smashed my window to come in. "Slade, why are you in my house?" I asked him trying to sound brave. "For you." He said and then grabbed me and stuck something in my neck. "What was tha-" Before I could finish I felt my head hit the floor.

Oliver's P.o.v
I waited for Felicity to come back to the Arrow cave to apologise for what I said. I waited for hours then I finally decided I would go to her house. "Felicity? Can I come in?" When I got no answer I got worried. "Flecity, honey?  Open up the door for me please?" Still no reply. I opened her door it was unlocked. I let myself in and found her lying on the floor. "Felicity! Hey, wake up." She didn't stir. Her heart was still beating and she was still breathing.

Hey so I have a beta reader now so I will be checking with them to make sure there is nothing I need to fix. Oh and this has very little effect on the plot line it was just a bit of Olicity and a bit of Slade being a real E.V.I.L (Every Villain Is Lemons!) DUSHBAG HEARTACHE MEANIE BEANIE STUPID COWARDLY IDIOT.

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