Red balloon, Yellow balloon, Blue balloon

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I couldn't sleep. The constant tapping on my window, the creaking of my door and the shadows that danced around on my walls scare me too much. Yes, I've been here all my life and could sleep perfectly in my childhood bed but when you stay up watching a horror movie until midnight that's when everything changes. The floor changes into a ghost minefield, they can come out of anywhere. I find it shit because I watched the movie "It" and now I'm kind of expecting a killer clown to jump out at me. I know it's all fake but anything can happen any day. Stephen King, you've successfully scared the shit out of me.

It's now 2:00 am and I still can't sleep. I'm more thirsty than I am tired. My throat must be dry from the cold air coming through my window.
"Alright Adam," I say, "Pennywise isn't real, ghosts aren't real, nothing from horror movies are real". I slowly get out of bed and softly plant my feet on the cold, slippery wood. I carefully and quietly walk to my door. A small noise from my window makes me jump into a sudden stop. I know I shouldn't but I wanted to turn around so I know what it is and if they're asking for a fist fight. I turn my head 90 degrees like Hanzo does in overwatch with one of his highlight intros. As I turn I see a...balloon?
"A red balloon?" I whisper to myself. I shrug my shoulders and go to the kitchen.

I tiptoe towards the kitchen in hopes I don't wake anyone in the house. My parents will kill me for being up this late especially on a school night. I reach my stairs and slowly shuffle down and make sure to miss the most creaky step. Shit, just missed it by an inch. I was deep into thought about how that red balloon got there I forgot I was watching out for the step. I make it downstairs and head to the kitchen. I flip the light switch and grab a cup out of the cupboard. I look at it to make sure it isn't disgusting and fill it with the sinks water. As I fill it I hear something drag on the ground. Sounds like something small. I turn around to expect maybe my little brother left paper on the ground and the wind is sliding it around but it was...another balloon? This time it was yellow. Is it my brothers birthday and I forgot?

I turn around thinking it was nothing but then I see a shadow appear outside the window. I gasp and drop my glass of water as the shadow starts trying to open the window by banging on it. I hear my parents coming down and the shadow figure must've too because when I turned back to the window he was gone.
"Adam Lee Dawson," mum yells, "What is going on here?".
"I-I saw a shadow.." I answered. I was sure she wouldn't believe me if I said I saw someone outside.
"A shadow, Adam, Really," She says back, "It's a school night and you're up at 3. Get to bed or you're grounded."

I wipe up the water and sweep the glass off the floor and into the bin then make my way up to bed. Mum watches me from below until I went into my room. I close my door and turn towards my bed to see another balloon. This time it was blue.
"Stupid balloon" I say and push it out my window. I feel a touch on my shoulder. It felt dry and wrinkly. I turned my head and saw a tall, muscular figure. It didn't look human. It was all black and looked like a burn victim. It had acid dripping out of its mouth. How do I know? Because some of it fell on my shoulder and burnt me. I screamed out to my parents and tried kicking my way out of this things grasp. I hear my parents making their way up to my room. I feel a slight relief that my parents are coming to save me. As they turn the handle the thing leaves. Fuck now I'm going to be in trouble.
"Adam, bed!" Dad yells. I try telling them what happened but I was so scarred from what just happened I was talking everything but English.
"You're grounded. No arguments" Mum says. I sigh and go back into bed.

That was a night I'd never forget. Many times he comes back to watch me through my window and bring a rainbow of balloons each time. I always have my window and door locked at night in hopes he doesn't get in somehow. He's started to pick up on the English language because he started talking to me last night. He said "I'm always here". I hope that's not the case for the future...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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