Chapter 14 - I wish it was me

Start from the beginning

Daniel Bryan: "Wow! That was such a great speech." He added wipping away his tears.

Alessia: "Thank you so much Daniel it's such an honor to be part of this women revolution and of course to be here representing women." Alessia added going away from the commentarist a table to get ready for the show.


"Remember Seth Rollins will always give the best of him, it doesn't matter if you lose or win. You are the best love, don't forget it." Alessia whispered in his ear.

"I love you so much Alessia, you always encourage me to keep on running the race, even tho I'm hurt." He kissed her lips.

Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor
Universal Championship
*Last minutes

Seth Rollins goes to take impulse from the ropes, but Finn caughts him into the reverted 1960... the count goes up to 2 and a half after Seth kicked out, Finn dragges him into the corner, he climbs top rope ready for the coup the grace but Seth kicks the ropes, Finn falls to the mat and Seth gets ready for the Phoenix splash, he failed after laying on Finn's knees, Finn then executed a curb stomp on Rollins, he goes on top rope and executes his finisher coup the grace.

Corey Graves: "And we have a new winner!"
Booker T: "He did it!"
Commentator 3: "He is a two times Universal Champion, he is going to Smackdown, he is going to Msackdown!"

And let's not talk about the ecstatic crowd and its electrifying chants.

Finn did it and was now going to Macksown

Main Event Women's Royal Rumble

Alessia and Charlotte made their respective entrances getting the crowds greatest reaction.

Sasha entered first, she was received with such electrifying reactions, she is the wonder woman of the division.

Becky enters as number two, they have a great match until Aj Lee made her surprise return.

Paige being followed by Sarah Logan.

90 seconds later Mandy arrived, being eliminated by Lita.

*Last minutes of the match
Nikki, Sasha, Paige, Trish, Aj Lee and Asuka

Sasha eliminates Trish before she could execute the Stratusfaction.

2 minutes later Aj Lee eliminated Sasha with a dropkick.

Asuka eliminates Paige and Nikki with a double kick.

Asuka and Aj Lee are the last women standing, Asuka and Aj are throwing punches, Aj Lee puts Asuka under her black widow submission, Asuka scales and locks her into the Asuka lock, Aj rolls out.
3 minutes later Asuka successfully eliminates Aj Lee, accomplishing one of the most important goal in history of Women Revolution.

"Ladies and gentleman!" Stephanie ran the steps. "Here is our winner of the first ever Women's Royal Rumble." Alessia and Charlotte followed behind.

"Tell us Asuka who are you facing next?" Stephanie hugged her.

Asuka started saying words in Japanese, even tho no one understood, they all cheered her name.

"I am going to Wrestlemania!" She said looking at Alessia. "And I will-"

She was interrupted by an unfamiliar theme, suddenly a familiar blond hair comes walking down the ramp.

She stands up in the ring facing Asuka, then pointing to the Wrestlemania poster, she then extends her hand, trying to shake hands with Asuka, but Asuka rudely hits it away.

"Hey Ronda!" Alessia yelled through the phone. "This is WWE." She spelled. "This is not UFC. Are you lost?" Alessia teased.

Ronda just laughed grabbing a microphone. "No I'm not lost Barbie doll."

"Then what are doing here? You're not even part of WWE, did you fight to be at the top of the division? To be respect? To have the same treat as men? Tell me did you even work your butt off to beget with all this women who just made history!" Alessia yelled in her face. "You just want to take all the credit on you!"

Ronda locked her into an arm UFC submission, Alessia took the advantage by locking her into the black widow submission.

Asuka kicked Alessia and threw her out the ring, she then executed a reverse kicked on Charlotte and she rolled out of the ring too

She stood staring at Ronda until she got up on her feet.

Ronda gave some steps closer to Asuka, she extended her hand and Asuka shook it, she seemed to agree on Ronda's deal, but she Asuka plays dirty, she locked Ronda into the Asuka lock.


Alessia walked backstage, he main priority was to find Seth, instead she found Finn staring at her from the men locker room, his chest was still uncovered. Alessia couldn't help but to face the floor and walk up to him.

"Have you seen Daniel?" She asked nervous.

"He is in the parking lot." He answered coldly receiving a cold grin from Alessia before they walked opposite ways.

Alessia's POV

Those eyes, his uncovered chest leaving his perfect abs naked, caused me whimpers. I still remember his soft and burning kisses, but let's face the fact that he is not in love with me anymore and I screwed it up.

Fergal's POV

There she was waking, my little sunshine, my love, she was looking for him. I wish that was me.

You Are The One That I Don't Want - Finn Balor x Seth Rollins x CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now