Chapter 10 - Separate ways

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Alessia spent the rest of the night at her parents home, celebrating her for making history.

"I can believe you finally did it baby!" Alessia's mom ran to hug her as she saw her entering the front door.

"I did it mom!" She hugged back.

"I knew it!" Her mom pulled away still smiling. "That why." She grabbed her free hand and guide her to the yard. "We prepared some BBQ and grilled meat, for you baby."

"Aww. Thanks mom!" Alessia cried pulling he rm into a hug. "It's such a joyfulness in my heart to know that my family will always hold my back." She smiled.
"By the way where are my siblings?" She said looking around.

"Congratulations." They came from upstairs with a big box and balloons.
Her sister McKenzie and her brother Eric ran to hug her, so as her nephews and nieces.

"We saw you wrestling aunt!" They were jumping around her.

"You guys did!" Alessia knelt hugging her cut little nephews.

"I also saw you were dating Finn!" Her niece Andrea said jumping around.

"No! She is not daiting Finn! She is daiting Seth right aunt?" Little Leonel added.

Alessia just giggled.

After celebrating around her family the whole night. It was getting late; Alessia walked to her childhood room and sat on the edge of the bed staring at the window thinking about Finn.

"May come in?" Her dad knocked the door and came in.

"Yes dad." She smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" He gently asked.

She let out a huge sight. "It's just business." She said. "Finn lost his title and I feel bad for him and all this love stuff between our promos." She sighed.

"I think he needs time to clear off his mind." He smiled sitting next to her. "Maybe you should go and talk to him tomorrow, let him rest for now. He kissed her forehead and left.

"Good morning champion!"

Alessia opened her eyes and her nieces  and nephews were jumping around her holding some pancakes.

"Good morning sweeties!" She smiled hugging each little 4 children. "Thanks for this delicious pancakes!" She held the plate.

"I helped mommy to bake them." Little Jessica said.

"So as I." Leonel added.

After spending the morning with her family she decided it was now time to go and cheer up Finn.

"Family I'll be back for the night." She said looking for the key car.

"Be careful!" Her dad yelled from the cinema.

"Don't leave aunt!" Those sweet things stopped Alessia by hanging on her legs.

"Please!" Little Alexander begged, making her smiled.

"Sweethearts I'll be back tonight." She said kissing them and making her way to the door.

You Are The One That I Don't Want - Finn Balor x Seth Rollins x Characterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن