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The legend of Hanako tells of a ghost of a young girl who haunts a bathroom.Some legends say she was an abused child who was chased down and finally caught by her angry parents in the school's bathroom .Some modern tales claim she is a student who committed suicide in the girl's bathroom.Others say she was the victim of a school which was burnt down during one of world war 2 bombing raids, she was playing hide and seek and hid in the girl's bathroom when the bombs struck.In most stories though it is agreed that she died in the third stall of the third floor bathroom.And she waits there, ready to be summoned by daring or curious children.

It is said that she can be summoned by knocking on her stall three times and ask,"Hanako-San are you there?"
If she is there she will reply,"Yes I am,"in a quiet little girl voice.The stall door will open up a little bit,and when the students look in to investigate,the ghost of little Hanako,wearing a red skirt and her hair done up in an old style bun,will pull her into the toilet and down to Hell.

In another version,a girl who goes to the bathroom by herself will sometimes hear a voice asking her if she wants to be friends. If the poor kid is smart and tries to save herself by saying yes,Hanako's ghost will come up beneath her and drag her down through the toilet to hell.If the kid says no,she will simply cut her to pieces.

Hanako is not the only school bathroom ghost in Japan,nor even the scariest.In fact,there are some stories where Hanako will actually protect children from other based bathroom ghost,and unlike some other ghost,Hanako can easily avoided if you just stay away from her hiding place.

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