sam's pov
-in the kitchen-
"if someone could fit in one of these cabinets, i would give them props. but then again, y/n is small enough to fit in one of these so gotta keeps my eyes peeled out for her". i turn around looking above the cabinets, "can someone get up there?" i wondered, shining my light at the top of the cabinets, scanning the whole kitchen.
-skipping to the backyard-
"okay there's got to be at least one person outside" i said to the camera, surprised as to how i haven't found a single person yet. "helloooo" i sang, looking around the backyard. "oh colby's a tree climber" i groaned, looking up at the tree in front of me. "i just heard something move" i said, hearing something shift right next to me. "see, this is just too good of a-" i trailed off as i saw something in the back corner. "wait a second" i smirked, seeing a figure hidden in the corner. "colby is that you" i said as i brightened my light. i see someone lift their head, revealing that it was, in fact, colby. "am i the first one?" colby asks, groaning that he was found. "you're the first one, you piece of crap" i said while laughing.
after finding colby, i found elton, and then corey.
"i really can't find y/n or brennen anywhere" i said, shocked that i still couldn't find them after searching the entire house.

y/n's pov
i heard sam talking to colby and elton who had been found. my heart started to beat faster as i felt the walls closing in on me, but i kept breathing in and out slowly to try and calm myself down. i then heard someone quietly open the cabinet door and was face to face with elton.
"sh don't worry i won't rat you out" elton says as he closes the cabinet. "is there anyone back there?" i heard sam ask elton. "nah there's nobody back here". as i heard them move on to the next room, i heard shuffling outside of the cabinet. "colby? is that you?" i asked wondering who was there. "it's elton, hold on" he whispered. suddenly i hear sam ask elton what he's doing. "oh i just spilled something when i was over here" he replies. i then hear him start tying something around the door handles. "wait elton, please don't lock me in here" i said starting to panic even more. "it'll be ok, don't worry, you'll win for sure" he says walking away. "no, no, no this can't be happening" i said to myself as i feel the walls closing in on me faster. i couldn't control my breathing and i started feeling light headed. i tried pushing on the doors but they wouldn't open. "fuck" i panted out as my breathing quickens. "please someone get me out of here" i quietly said to myself as i feel tears streaming down my face. tears quickly rolled down my cheeks as i felt that there was no escape.

colby's pov
sam had finally found brennen and was stressing because he was so close to finding him at the beginning of the game. "NO WAY! WAS I RIGHT" he exclaims seeing brennen pop out from above the cabinet. we were all laughing as sam was still trying to figure out where y/n was hiding. brennen finally climbed down from the top of the cabinet and joined the rest of us on the ground. "so y/n is the last one" elton says looking around at us. "y/n is the last one" sam says pointing the camera around, "how did she win?" he says. "she's doesn't even live here" sam says laughing. "i have an idea" brennen says, "let's just be done with the video and just let her keep hiding". we all laugh shaking our heads. "i wouldn't let her be stuck in that cabinet all night. but props to her for winning" i said in my head, smiling to myself. "you see, i already found y/n", elton says calmly. "and i locked her into her spot" he says. my eyes go wide. "YOU WHAT" i yelled, looking at him. "yeah i tied an extension cord around the handle so she cou-" before he could finish his sentence, i was off running to where she was hiding. and sure enough, there was a cord tied around the handle. "baby, listen to me. breathe okay? im gonna get you out" i say trying to undo the cord as fast as possible. "colby what's wrong" sam asks as all of them run over to the bar. "she's fucking claustrophobic and she has panic attacks if she can't get out" i spat out while still trying to undo the cord. "fuck" i hear elton say quietly. i finally undo the cord and yank open the doors, seeing y/n crying and panting. i quickly pull her into my arms as i rub her back. she grips on to me tight as she continues sobbing into my arms. i try and calm her down as the guys go off into the other room giving us space. "baby im so sorry, i didn't know elton locked you in there" i whisper as i kiss her forehead. "i wouldn't have let him do that to you, im sorry i wasn't there".
"it's okay. it was my idea to go in there, so it's really my fault" she says, sniffling, tears still falling down her face. i wipe away the tears, lifting her chin up to face me.
"i love you babe, and i promise i'll be there to protect you at all times, okay?" i say looking down at her.
"i love you too colby, thank you for saving me" she says, softly. i smile as i place my lips on hers, slipping my hand into hers and intertwining our fingers. i love this girl too much to lose her, and i would do anything to keep her by my side.

**so what did you guys think ?? for my first imagine ever, i don't think i did too bad ?? hopefully not lol. idk if i'll take requests but maybe i might in the future to get some ideas :-)) hope you enjoy the rest !! i'll try and update as much as i possibly can, but with school and work, it might be hard. but don't worry, i will for sure be writing at least one or two each week so stay tuned !!

𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒, colby brock imagines (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now