3. Leave Me Alone!

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Unknown POV 2

After searching everywhere I could possibly think of, and calling everyone I know, I walked into my room defeated. No one had even seen or heard from her, which made my heart sink even more. Both families were filled with worry, yet I could do nothing to reassure them, when I was fumbling myself.

What if we never find her?

No! I won't allow my thoughts to go down that negative path. Besides, it was still too soon to say anything yet.

I sat on the bed, covering my face with both hands, feeling so helpless and not knowing what else to do.

"Have you heard anything?" A voice spoke and I looked up and saw who it was.

"No, Tanu. Nothing at all." I told her and she nodded in response.

"No one knows anything!"

"Everything will be okay. We will find her." she said, sitting next to me, trying to offer some sort of comfort, but I was way past that stage. The only consolation I needed, was knowing Pragya was back home safe and unharmed. I didn't need anything else.

"Is there anything I can get you?" She asked sweetly, which just irritated me all the more.

"Can you get Pragya back to me?!" I snapped out of frustration, immediately regretting my outburst when I saw the look on her face.

"T-Tanu, I'm sorry." I apologized. "I didn't mean to."

She just nodded.

"Can you just leave me alone for a while please. I'm not really in the mood for company." She didn't look too happy about that, but did as I asked anyway.

"Sure. I understand. I'll be back to check on you."

"That's ok." I said to her. "I'll be down when I'm ready."

I lay down on the bed, my head hitting the pillow in exhaustion and worry.

Where are you, Gorgeous?

If this is one of your pranks, it's not funny!

Everyone is so worried about you.

We have no idea where you are...or what predicament you are facing.

My hand delved under the pillow to pull it closer, when I felt an unknown object touch my hand. Pulling it out, I stared at curiously at the small box with a bow tied around it, wondering where the hell it came from.

A note was attached to it and tears filled my eyes as I read that simple line.

Because you mean the world to me...


Sarla's POV

As I sat at the kitchen table, I listened to my mother-in-law tell me to eat something for the tenth time, but sadly, food was the furthest thing from my mind. I wondered and worried yet again about the state of my only daughter. Were they taking care of her, or leaving her tied in a corner to rot? All these horrifying thoughts continued to infiltrate my brain, and then once again, the tears started to flow.

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