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welcome to this book where I have decided to make trailers for people who ask for it and actually do my payment, which is either a mention in your book's description or a dedication within the chapter you use the trailer in.

welp let's get to it!



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TYPE-is this a trailer or teaser? this is not optional just so you know.

TITLE-this part is not optional at all and is pretty self explanatory as to why I need it.

AUTHOR-what is the name you go by when writing novels, whether a nickname, real name, or just your plain username and if you don't want it in the trailer, explain that when you get to this section.

LENGTH-do you have a specific length you need it to be, which I need to know unless you don't have one.

TEXT-what do you want it to say? if you don't have specific text, I will most like just use your plot when I see your book.

CLIPS-this is essential to making your trailer, so if you don't have any clips but a rough draft of it such as "couple kissing" or "girl sad", submit those. if you have a specific clip, send me the link to it.

ACTORS-who are the people that play your characters? this is not optional especially, unless you want me to pick them for you.

SONG-what song do you want me to use, or if you don't have a specific song, I'll choose one that I feel best fits your novel.

MOOD-what is the vibe your video should give off?

-> if you actually read this form all the way through, put the word "elmo" at the end of yours when you finish filling it out.

-> btw, I don't do voiceovers for trailers unless you REALLY and TRULY need it.

TrailersWhere stories live. Discover now