swasan-pain hurt care and trust shot 3

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The scene continues with the silence in the hall due to the words that were spoken by Sahil which not only shaken up Swara but every person present there.. Swara was in no state tht she could respond she was numb totally numb by his reaction.. A girl always expects that her partner would love her and support her in the times of need!! This was the most crucial time of Swara s life and as any person could expect she too expected some support love and care from her partner..!! Shemish condition was no less they were both angry and happy.. angry coz of the words Sahil spoke.. and happy tht their daughter got saved and she was stopped from going to the wrong hands.. Swara s condition was like a body without soul! truly lifeless!! the eyes tht spoke thousands of words were totally blank..no expression on face.. 

While the other side kaveri was enjoying the drama she now thought tht Swara would come and beg Sahil and her.. and kaveri will get ready but would demand for dowry in return of tht.. Sahil for whom RESPECT means everything was feeling embarrassed tht people would gossip abt him rather than caring for his was going to be WIFE SWARA! he was just standing there..rp was also feeling hell bad for his daughter Swara .. whom he knew since 3 yrs was a bold confident girl but today its someone else with the face of Swara! 

Swara absent mindedly stood up while the words spoken by Sahil were continuosly ringing.. She went near Sahil and just stared him for a minute when kaveri spoke "AYEE chori y r u now staring my son.. now also our respect is at stake just coz of u!".. Swara just gave a deadly look and now we hear a "THUD" sound kaveri and everyone were shocked! Shemish were proudly smiling while kaveri was like a bomb tht could explode any time!! yess Sahil was lying down with some blood near his lips due to force of the slap tht Swara gave him!... Swara sat down to the position of Sahil s 

"Mr Sahil kapoor!! The slap i gave u is for ur words tht u spoke for me Remember one thing in ur life u have no RIGHT to speak anything abt a girl or her dignity! im confident enough to save myself and any other word from ur mouth against ME OR MY PARENTS then see no one would be more worst than me!!" Roared Swara like a lioness sending shivers down spines of Sahil and Kaveri..  the 3 persons who were damn proud of here were SUMI SHEKHAR AND RP!! smiling wholeheartedly ..  Kaveri was going to say something but by Swara s one look she went fully scared.. Sahil was hell embarass and was angry on Swara "Swara now im not going to MARRY u .. I just spoke tht in my anger but i thought to give u a chance but now no more" Said Sahil gaining his confidence..  Shemish and rp just gave him a disgusting look !! kaveri too proudly smiled..!! "did u hear swara wht my son said" kaveri said but before she could complete "Oh reallyy mrs kaveri kapoor!! Who the hell r u and ur son to break the marriage!! when im only not ready to marry this bloody hypocrite.. (laughed a lil) I thankGOD tht i got saved and didnt marry ur idiot son it would have just spoilt my life nuthing else"Said Swara....

Sahil and Kaveri have no words to speak.. "now plzzz if u dont mind then (indicating towards the door) leave " said shekhar.. Swara faintly smiled a lil...

# to be continued

SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY guys! i reallyy didnt knew tht many people started following me and liking my stories.. i thought no one was actually intrested and i left... and im back after a month!! i will post dailyy for sure.. thankuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dor ur comments u guys cant even imagine how much tht means to me,..STAY BLESSED LOVE U ALL!!

SwaSan-Pain hurt trust and Care (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now