2039: The Mole

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Everything had been relatively quiet for the past few months. They should have known it wasn't a good sign. The  latest battle between the Watchdog and Dictatorial Armies had too many deaths on both sides.

The Commanding Officers had worked day in, day out to calm down the families who had lost those close to them on the battlefield.

It was their worst loss yet...


Lieutenant Nerve was the first to speak. "What are we gonna do?"
Commander Peepers was at a loss as to what to say. He sat with his head in his hands, and occasionally rubbed his temple. Eyela sat next to him, a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Iris was the one to answer. "It's obvious that we have a mole on board the ship. They knew our strategy this time around. Someone is feeding information to the Dictatorial forces. But who?"
Retina gazed at his sister in shock. How did she know? "Why do you assume that?"
"Because Cornea said he had an 'inside eye' last time he came round. Furthermore, we're twins. I know him better than you think."
Jim cut in. "But who could it be?"
"There's a possibility that it's not anyone on the ship. He may have gained access to the ship's security system and cameras." They jumped when they heard Peepers' voice.
"Are you sure Sir?" Nerve questioned.
"Not entirely, but check the system for any hackers and bugs."
"Yes Sir! Andy," Nerve turned toward the Skullship's head of security. "Check the system for any malware and debug it if necessary."

Andy had already started, fingers flying across the keyboard of the laptop he had carried to the meeting. He placed his headset over his almost non existent ears. While he was working, the others exchanged nervous glances.

They were all brought out of their thoughts by Andy's frantic voice. "Unidentified application detected Sir."
"Do you think you can decode it?"
"I'll do my best."

Fingers continued to fly until he managed to figure it out. "Sir, it has Cornea's starter code programmed in."
"Understood. Get rid of it."
"Already done Sir. We're debugged."
A cheer rose from everyone at the table. Peepers sighed in relief. "Thank Grop."


No sooner had they begun to celebrate, a call came in. Nerve ran up to Peepers, his eye ashen. "Sir, it's Cornea."
"How long has he been waiting?"
"About 2 minutes Sir." He replied as they walked toward the bridge. The guards jumped aside when they saw them coming.

"Finally. I was beginning to wonder when you would show up."
"Nerve, wait outside."
"Yes sir." Nerve reluctantly stepped back from the bridge.
"What do you want Cornea?"
"To say congratulations on debugging the malware I set up. But you still need to figure out who the mole is."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought you would have figured it out by now. Tick tock. Time is running out, Daddy dearest."

And just like that, the screen went black. When Peepers came out of the bridge, Nerve took notice of his shocked expression. "What happened?"
"More news. And no one will like it."


"Seriously?" Andy was shocked. "Okay Sir, I'll do background checks. On both new and old soldiers. Yes, the new recruits are getting on marvellously." He was interrupted by Steven, the head of recruiting. "One moment, Steven. Yes Sir it is Steven. Thanks." He put his communicator down, turning to the recruiting officer. "Yes Steven. What is it?"
"Just thought you should know. One of the senior officers is kicking up a fuss. Says he was the mole."

Andy's shout shook the ship. "WHAT?!! What's he called?"
"Officer Jeremy."
"He's always been a troublemaker. It doesn't surprise me. But I better tell the Commander."

Steven nodded, then watched as Andy left the room to call Peepers, taking out his own communicator before saying, "He bought it Sir."
Cornea appeared on the screen. "Good. They have no idea. Soon, our plan will be put into action."
"Yes Sir."


"What do you mean Andy? Officer Jeremy has been dead since our latest battle with Cornea."
"I see. That can only mean one thing Sir..."
"Understood. I'll call in Steven. We need to have a talk." The Commander replied before putting down the communicator.

Eyela was worried. "Please be careful, honey. If Steven is the mole, then he's likely to kill anyone in the room."
"I'll be careful. I'll just tell him I want to check how recruitment is going. And I'll have most of the security department hidden."

Eyela wasn't convinced, but nodded her head.


"Steven, how's recruitment going?"
"It's going fine Sir! Our numbers have sky rocketed."
"I heard you uncovered the mole. Congratulations."
"Thank you Sir." Steven said, saluting.
"Although I can't see how a soldier who's been dead for a week can feed sensitive information to Cornea."

Peepers watched from the corner of his vision as Steven's eye turned ashen. He backed slightly from his superior. The Commander continued. "Jeremy may have been a trouble maker, but he was loyal until the end."
"I must have gotten the name wrong." Steven muttered. Peepers saw right through him though, but Steven couldn't know that.
"Very well. Dismissed."

As Steven exited, Peepers turned to Andy, who had been with them at a distance. "Follow him."

Andy nodded.


"Are you sure?"
"Sir, Peepers saw right through me."

He was openly talking to Cornea, not knowing about Andy's group outside the janitor's closet.

"What should I do?"
"Return here. Your mission is over."

Steven was about to do so when Andy burst in, blaster at the ready. "Hands up! You're not going anywhere."

Steven reluctantly did so, and narrowed his eye as another Watchdog came in with handcuffs.

The threat was not over though...

A/n: I am sooo sorry I missed last weeks update! I had a bit of a sick week last week...

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