Random Things That Piss Me Off

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I wrote this a few months ago, but I forgot where I saved it and just stumbled on to it today.

This is not supposed to offend anybody, and if I did offend you, please let me know, because that's the last thing I wanna do.

Random things that piss me off:

1. Chihuahuas. Pitbulls are less dangerous than those oversized, yapping, jumping rats.

2. The lady from the progressive advertisments. She scares me.

3. Siblings. Need I say more?

4. People touching my stuff without asking. I'm not a stingy person, but I hate it when people don't ask.

5. Housecats. I love big cats (lions, tigers, panthers etc.) but housecats scare the shit out of me. Yeah, I know I'm backwards, but they always do the same exact thing when they see me: They stare for at least 2 minutes without blinking, then tilt their head to the side quickly and suddenly, and keep staring. *Shudders*

6. LOL. When people say 'LOL' with every text or IM. "I just ate a sandwich LOL!" And the person is never actually laughing when they say it.

7. OMG. When people text 'OMG' on everything. (See number 6.) "OMG, what kind of sandwich?" Or when people say the letters when they're talking rather than saying "Oh my god".

8. Fishing for compliments. I absolutely cannot stand it when people purposely whine, "I'm so ugly" just so people can say, "Nooo, you're gorgeous, don't say that." My little sister does it all the time, and she's really skinny but she'll say, "Ugh, I'm so fat, I need to go on a diet." And she's only 10.

9. Girls who wear revealing clothes, then complain. When girls wear really short shorts with their asses sticking out, tight tops, small bikinis, etc., and then a guy catcalls, tries to hit on them, or stares, they complain that men are pigs or whatever. If you're wearing those types of clothes, you can't expect nobody to notice.

10. Sideways pictures. Why do people always take pictures sideways?!?! It drives me insane; I don't wanna have to tilt my head to look at a picture! My cousins and friends have taken pictures of us like that, but it's so damn annoying. It's not hard to hold a camera straight!

11. When I see a relative after a long time and they say, "Wow, you look so beautiful!" I don't think that I'm ugly or anything, but I feel like it's so fake when people say that. Like, what are they supposed to say? 'Wow, you're so ugly?' You know what I mean? Probably not. Anyway, moving on...

12. Twilight fans. I personally don't hate the book, and I found it entertaining if anything, but if you have ever met an obsessed (and I mean REALLY obsessed) Twilight fan, then you know what I mean. They act like Twilight is the Bible and they try to convert you into liking it. I liked Twilight more before it became really famous, because now it's everywhere, and it's annoying. Really, little girls under 7 years old get excited when Edward and Jacob take their shirts off. Disturbing much?

Oh, and can someone PLEASE explain this to me. How come vampires (in Twilight, anyway) can't bleed, or cry, or piss, but they can cum? Am I the only person that found that weird??

13. Sillybands. EVERYONE IS WEARING THEM! It's driving me nuts! My younger siblings are obsessed with them, and my sister actually started crying when one broke.

14. Miley Cyrus. I don't hate her as a person, because I've never met her, but I think she's a horrible influence, and she's irresponsible. She freaking danced around a pole while there are a bunch of little kids looking up to her, she dresses in disgusting clothing, and she always apologizes when she does something wrong, then does something else. As for the picture that someone took of her va-jay-jay, why the fuck wasn't she wearing underwear?!

15. High-school shows or movies on Disney Channel. There are so many of these, and I find it so stupid because they're completely unrealistic. The prettiest, most talented girl/boy is somehow the loser, and the actors are always 5 years older than the character they're playing. Not to mention that they are totally cheesy and all have similar plots.

16. People that complain about everything. And I'm not talking about emos; my sister is a total girly girl, and she complains about every little thing. I mean like when people complain about homework or something. Yes, homework does indeed suck ass, but there are people who would love the chance to go to school, but can't. Be grateful for what you have, because it can easily be taken away.

17. Looking for something, then realizing it's in your hand. Don't pretend that's never happened to you!

18. Text-a-holics. Yes, cell phones are awesome and it's fun to text, but put the damned thing down for 5 seconds, will ya? Especially when I'm talking to someone, and they're texting someone else. It's really fucking annoying. I like to text, too, but not 24/7.

19. The Mets. (GO YANKEES!!!)

20. The Jets. (GO GIANTS!!!)

21. Tattle-tales. My little brother is the worst tattle-tale ever. He will tattle about someone else tattling, that's how bad he is.

22. Needles. Knives and chainsaws are less scary.

23. Unique New York. Say it 5 times fast and you'll see what I mean. Just do it, you know you want to.

24. Puns. They are not punny! Ha-ha, see what I did there? I said 'punny' instead of 'funny' because it's a pun. If you just laughed at that, then you need a life.

25. Ketchup. That shit's nasty.

26. Lady Gaga. She fucking SUCKS!!

27. Flat soda. It's gross.

28. Salt and vinager potato chips. Blech!

29. Like. When, like, people, like, say like, between, like, every, like, word.

30. Insomnia. Which is the reason I'm writing this right now.


There's a bunch of things I missed, but whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2010 ⏰

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