Chapter 2

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Of course we were late to school! what would you expect when we woke up at 7:55 and has to be in school by 8:30.

   My teachers wont understand that my moms not here to look after us because she's run off with a random guy she met in a bar.

   So looks like I have another detention. Another hour with a bunch of shallow idiots, no one in my school is... how can I put this? Unique? Remotely Interesting?

  Ok, ill admit I don't have many friends in school. But can you blame me? What's the point in being friends with people you don't even like, people who spend ages worrying about how they look?

So no, I don't have any friends.

I walk into homeroom and see all of the class sitting there, they all turn their heads in unison and stare at me. My teacher gives me the same look, then gives me a detention. Again.

I take a seat and everyone stops staring at me. I hear a few snarky comments from people behind me. but I've heard it so much now that they don't bother me.

I normally tend to go into my own world in class, sometimes I don't even notice. I just suddenly zone out. So who knows what the teachers saying?

The bell rings and I'm back to reality. Everyone walks out in groups, talking and laughing. I walk out silently looking down at the floor. I don't mind being alone but sometimes I just want someone to talk to, someone my age, someone who will understand and laugh with me.

My first lesson is math. Not fun. I don't think I will ever understand what's happening even if I do pay attention. In some classes I do listen and end up enjoying it. But math isn't one of them.

I do try and listen but then my mind wanders off. I walk in and there's a seat right at the back. I sit down and wait for everyone else to wander in.  I struggle to do the work.

The teacher keeps glancing at me. He asked if I needed help, I just shook my head and acted like I knew what I was doing.

I ended up doodling on my book. I've been told a number of times by teachers to stop doing this but I can't help it.

I was half way through drawing a flower when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" the teacher shouts. A boy walks in with a huge smile on his face.  "Sorry sir, I got lost." He says. "You're 15 minutes late" The teacher replies. "I'm new and this is a pretty big school." He says half laughing.
"Take a seat." The teacher says rolling his eyes.

He sits down on a chair on the other side of the classroom. There's girl staring at him. He is Just another shallow idiot. It looks like he's spent ages styling his hair. But maybe he's different?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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