Private Girlfriend [Chapter 6- Part 1]

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“Sorry” he said loosen his grip on me as I glance around the crowed the room filled with a lot of famous and infamous guest. This was one of his teammate wife Perfume launch party. It seems like a very nice going party. Until I glance across the door and saw Amanda looking toward our direction.  She looks pretty I thought no wonder Adrian was attracted to here. She was blond, flawless skin. She is the heiress of former mayor of our country so she gets anything she wants.

“Hey sweetheart” she said placing a kiss on Adrian lips while hugging here.

“Hi Amanda, I thought you said you wouldn’t be making” asked Adrian, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

“A little change have been made, please don’t tell me you regret seeing me here” she said glancing at me from head to toe.

“What the hell are you wearing?” she asked looking at me in disgust

“Clothes” I said sarcastically

“Well if those are clothes, what is everyone else wearing” she said giggling

“That’s a stupid statement Amanda” I said


“Ladies please don’t start” said Adrian looking at me.

“Ok sweetheart” she said cludding close to Adrian left arm.

“Hello, Mr. Parker, do you mind if take some photograph with these beautiful ladies”

“Sure” he said

“I better go find something to drink...”

“No you want to take a photograph with the famous Parker” he said with a little accent

“Sure, she would” said Adrian pulling me close to his side, as the guy got ready to take the photo.

“Thanks” he said a few minutes of taking photos.

“Molly” shouted a voice. I turn to see Finn, one of Adrian Player who had a crush on me.

“Hey Finn, how are you?” I said as he hugged me and I return it.

“I’m good and you?”

“Good as ever, I heard Mr. Adrian here have been spending a lot of time with you since he got back”

“What!” shriek Amanda

“Amanda please doesn’t start were just friends, nothing is going on with us” and before I knew it a camera light went whoosh…

“We’re just hang out for the times he throw me away for her” I said

His Private Girlfriend (#1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz