Chapter 2

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(A/N: Image by FeralsRock & this is an A.U. if it wasn't already obvious.)

Ashley had decided to not sign herself for ballet after all and instead decided to tryout for gymnastics, which she got into easily. One of the ladies that hosted the whole thing even looked a bit like Father but with a blue outline instead, looking very familiar.

"I don't think I've seen anyone as skilled as you do it ever since my own days." The woman stated as she smiled at Ashley as the girl finished. "I'm Miss Angela. What did you say your name was, dear?"

"Ashley, Ashley Uno, ma'am." The blonde stated as she looked at the woman.

"Uno. Where have I heard that name before?" She asked herself as she snapped her fingers.

"You must be Benny's girl. Oh, I haven't seen you in such a long time! How's your brothers and sister doing?" She asked. She didn't know.

"Y-you don't know?" Ashley asked, stuttering a little. To which she got a look of confusion from the other woman.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"They're all dead." The young girl stated quietly as she saw the woman gasp and hold a hand up to her mouth. "I was the only one that survived the fall."

"I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry." The woman stated, looking sad. "Even... even little Bruce?"

Ashley started to remember now. This was the woman who had been a mother figure to her when she first got Delightfulized.

"I'm sorry. I can show you where we buried him if you want me to." The girl offered. She wouldn't really be obeying classic safety tips but she wanted to help this woman who she once called 'Mother'. 

"Please." Mother stated as Ashley grabbed her things and sat in the passenger seat of the car giving Mother directions to the cemetery and they got to look at the graves. "May I ask how it happened or is it too personal?"

"We were fighting with the Kids Next Door on a log ride. What we didn't know was that it was broken and the operative got off just fine but left us to fall into some disgusting toilet with a long drop. I woke up in the hospital after about a day." The child stated, making things short. "The operative had stolen Father's pipe."

"He's probably worried about you by now. C'mon, I'll take you home." Mother stated as they walked back to the car and got in, driving to Father's mansion and they both got out nd walked to the door. Mother knocked and Father had answered.

The man looked shocked to say the least and stared with wide yellow eyes at the woman and his jaw dropped.

"I thought I got rid of you!" He exclaimed in alarm before looking to Ashley. "And where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you!"

"Sorry, Father." Ashley stated as she held her hands in front of her and looked down.

"It's alright. Don't go with people you don't know, understood?" She heard him sigh.

"Yes, Father." She nodded as he let her inside.

"So... do you wanna come in?" He offered the woman at the door. "Catch up, probably?"

"That would be nice." She responded as she walked in and he shut the door behind her.

Ashley went to her room to finish up somethings on her computer. She had found a way to hack into military files about Nuclear Weapons and she was planning on blowing up the Kids Next Door base in Japan. She had located it thanks to the Interesting Twins From Beneath The Mountain and now she was planning to take down those annoying kids once and for all.

But if she did that, surely they would be more prepared if she were to make that same attack again. She would either have to make the attacks go fast and be done with those annoying kids or space them out and attack at random. She had already decided that she would make her first attack the week before the Villains Choice Awards. She would have to keep these plans to herself as to not spoil the surprise for everyone involved. She didn't even write it down anywhere in fear of someone finding them and it being spoiled.

She didn't think Father would be mad at her, as he had had the idea one time that he would make a birthday cake for her and her siblings out of children, if he had succeeded they all would've committed cannibalism and Father, child murder. Mother was the exact opposite of Father, she was sweet and caring, Ashley didn't remember much about the woman but she was always good to them. Mother had gone on vacation one day and had never come back until now, where had she been all this time?

Ashley shook her head at the thought and had decided to change her scheduling, her first attack would be next week, on Constance's Birthday, February 21. (A/N: That's also the release date of Operation C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R.)

For once, Ashley just wanted a normal birthday, one where she just got to enjoy the cake and relax. Every time her siblings and her had taunted everyone with their cake, the KND always ruined their plans and it would be the first one she would have ever since her siblings had died. She would have to drop off flowers at their graves as well. A violet or primrose would be nice as it was the flower associated with February. 

For now, she practiced on her gymnastics and was told that she was one of those most skilled in the club and she kept being partnered up with this one girl when they had to do things with partners and Mother was always there to help out with things. The girl was a bit older, she believed she was about eleven, and was also one of the good ones in the club, her name was Sonia Heralds.

 The girl was a bit older, she believed she was about eleven, and was also one of the good ones in the club, her name was Sonia Heralds

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Sonia was pretty much the only one she interacted with besides the adults. One day, she had actually managed to get into a conversation with the girl about six days before her birthday.

"Hey, have you seen my water bottle?" Sonia asked after practice as both girls were getting ready to go home in the locker room.

"No, sorry. Do you need help finding it?" Ashley asked. The water bottle was purple with Sonia's name on it.

"If you don't mind, thank you." Sonia stated as they looked on the side of things and Ashley found it under a bench.

"I found it." Ashley stated in her monotone voice as she handed her partner her bottle.

"Thank you, very much." Her partner nodded to her.

"You're welcome." Ashley stated as the two left the locker room.

"So, do you walk home?" Sonia asked.

"Most of time, yeah." Ashley responded.

"Okay, I was just wondering. See ya tomorrow." 


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