Facing the Truth

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(A/N: I know Mikasa was probably younger when she got kidnapped but in my story she is around 12.)


Mikasa P.O.V.


    Eren and his father helped me up, I would've objected but i was too sore to move. They took me to their home and put me in one of their guest rooms. “thank you” i said and they noded before leaving the room. Once my head hit the pillow I was out cold.


Eren P.O.V.


    I start off to my bedroom but an arm on my shoulder stops me, its large and rough. Then my father speaks in a hushed but stern voice “Eren I told you to wait for me at the bottom of the mountain”. It takes me a while to come up with a response, I go to talk but my father stops me as he says “You have no idea what was in there, you could have been killed. I would not have been able to live with myself knowing that you died when I could have saved you.” I am taken aback from what he just said, but it takes me no time to come up with a response, “Im sorry dad, when I was waiting for you by the mountain I thought of what those people could be doing to Mikasa, and I just ran as fast as I could to save her. Im sorry.” “Son, I love you and I am proud of you for saving Mikasa.” “Thank you” I reply, and I head off to my room to sleep.


    As I fall asleep I think of what I just did to those men and I start to feel proud of myself that I finally got recognized by my father, for what I am capable of. I think of who I can be and what I can do when I get older, I want to join the Survey Corps. I wonder what Mikasa will do, I hope she wants to do the same as me. She seems like a strong person so she probably will, I don't know I will ask her sometime.




Mikasa P.O.V.


    I wake up and wonder where on earth I am, and then all the memories of last night come flooding in, and I remember that I am at Eren’s house. I think of my parents and know that they are gone, it takes all of my willpower to not cry, but I am strong, I will not cry. I am broke out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door, and Eren asking “Mikasa, are you up?” I get out of bed and go to open the door, and say to Eren “yeah I'm up.” He replies with “well breakfast is ready if you want some, its bread and water.” “Okay, but first wheres your bathroom?” I ask. “Oh its at the end of the hallway, door on the left.” “Thanks” I say as I start walking down the hallway.


    When I get to the bathroom and look in the mirror I see a huge bruise on the side of my face, and as I examine the rest of my body I see that my side has another bruise on it, and my cheek has a little cut on it. Once Im done I go out to the hallway and find the dining room, where Eren, his father and mother are sitting, having a conversation. As I walk into the room they all look up at me with a smile on there face but they have concern in there eyes, I assume its because they see my damaged face. Eren pats the seat next to him and I go over to sit with their. Eren’s mother passes me a piece of bread and says “eat it will help you feel better.” I take the bread and do what she says and I never realized how hungry I was until now, she was right it made me feel a little better. I say "thank you, for everything." They all say "its no problem." Then I ask "where am I gonna live without my parents? I have no family now" my voice is shaky as I say this. They look up at me with concern in there eyes, and just sit there for a while, until Eren's mom breaks the silence and says "Mikasa, do you want to live with us?" I take that question to heart and I think about it, then I respond with "I don't know." Eren's father starts to speak, "Mikasa we told your parents that if anything happened to them, we would take care of you." All I say in response is "okay."


Did my parents know that they would have been killed, and me kidnapped to be sold? I dont understand, why did they want to sell me? This question has been in my mind ever since I heard the two men talking about selling me. So I ask Eren and his family, "they said they wanted to sell me, why?" Eren's mom whispers something to his father, and his father nods, and says "they wanted to sell you because you are 'foreign' and there aren't many of you left, they were probably after your mom because she is 'pure', meaning her parents were both foreign." Woah that is a lot of information. Then I say "why would they want me I'm not pure, my father isnt foreign?" Eren's mom speaks up saying "Because they were after your mom, which they probably did not mean to kill her, just wound her enough to take her away easily. Since they killed her they took you instead, probably thinking that they had to bring something back, had to have someone to sell." All I can say is "oh." And Eren says "Im so sorry Mikasa." I say "I am going on a walk."


Eren P.O.V.


        I feel so bad for Mikasa, she lost her parents and she is so young. I wonder if she is going to live with us. I say to my parents "Im gonna go with Mikasa to make sure she is safe." They nod and I go. As I am out the door I see Mikasa about ten feet in front of me and I go catch up to her. "Hey" I say.


"Hi" she says with no emotion.


"Do you want to talk? Because if you do Im here for you." I hope she wants to talk I really don't like to see people sad, especially Mikasa.


"Um I guess." She says. “I just dont know how I am gonna live without my parents, they were the only things I had. And now they are gone.” That is when she loses it, she starts to cry. I dont know what to do, so I give her a hug. She falls into me and I use all of my strength to keep her up. She sobs into my shoulder, tears staining my shirt, but I don't care. I say “Mikasa, its okay, Im here, you have me.”



Mikasa P.O.V.


        I lose it, sobs wrack throughout my body, tears rush down my face. Eren comes closer to me and pulls me into a warm embrace, my head in the crook of his neck, his arms around my abdomen, my arms are wraped around his, and his head is pressed against mine. I feel so weak, my legs give out below me, Eren is probably using all his strength to keep me up. Baka I think to myself, Im so weak, I am crying over something I had no control over. But I feel so alone. That's when Eren says "Mikasa, it's okay, I'm here, you have me."


        As he says this, my tears start to stop flowing so heavily. I find the strength to put my feet firmly on the ground, still in Eren's embrace. He starts to pull away but I hold him tighter, and say "p-please,  d-don't let go, please stay." He is the only thing who is keeping me from falling into complete insanity. He comes back to me and says "Mikasa, I will never leave you." We stay in each other's embrace in silence. It's not awkward silence though, it's comfortable.


        When I have stopped crying completly and my sobs have ceased. I say "thank you Eren, I would have probably dead or being taken advantage of by perverts."

        He pulls back just enough so that his blue-green eyes are piercing into my cloudy gray ones. As he says "I would not have been able to live with myself if you had to go through any of that.” I shiver, and Eren notices and he romoves his red scarf from around his neck and wraps it around mine. After this we head back to his house, hand in hand.

A/N: Soooo how was that??? I hoped you liked it. ((((((:

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