I'm Back!

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Hello everyone! It's been so long! Sorry I haven't posted anything. Besides reading and commenting on some other stories, I've been practically MIA. So, I have an announcement. I want to write another book, but I don't know what. If I could get some suggestions, that would be fantastic! Some suggestions include:
1. Specific fandoms:characters/ships
2. Whether it's a full blown story or one shots.
3. What genre
4. If you don't want a certain fandom, an idea could be given or I could just write an original story.
These are just some ideas. I'd really appreciate it if some suggestions were given. I've been wanting to write something for a while, but haven't had the chance. I'm not saying I'll be able to keep on top of it, I'll probably only write when I have time, so bare with me.

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