Chapter 15

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~ Thanks to The WritersAsylum for all the comments!(:

Thanks for the votes, fans, and additions to libraries guys! Really appreciate it!!

Chapter 15


            "Dammit!" I yelled peevishly, after hearing the back door slam. Already Dakoda's steps were retreating down the street. She had been right there! Then she was gone.

'SO CLOSE!' My wolf howled.

            "Marc? Man, are you alright?" I heard Saxon ask from the other room. I stalked into the living room, running my fingers through my hair, almost wanting to pull out the roots. I was definitely, not okay.

            "I was this close!" I shouted to Saxon and Liza, holding my pointer finger and my thumb about two centimeters apart. "This close to kissing her!"

Why didn't you move faster?!

'Shut the hell up!'

            Saxon chuckled but Liza frowned, tucking her blue and black hair behind her ear.

            "What happened?" Liza wondered, her brow furrowing.

            "She just left!" I exclaimed.

            "Maybe your breath smelt bad." Saxon grinned at me, his tone joking. I snarled in his direction, my eyes practically shooting lasers, and he recoiled. "I was kidding, geez." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, letting away his nervousness.

            "Well, I know where you went wrong." Liza sang, standing up and going to the kitchen.

            "Leave me in here with wolf-Zillah why don't you?" Saxon muttered and I shot him a glare. He grinned at me and followed Liza. "Just trying to lighten the mood."

            "What did I do?" I practically groaned, following Liza who was rummaging through the cupboards. She pulled out two boxes of mac-n-cheese before answering me.

            "Dakoda isn't like the other girls you've kissed." She told me, grabbing a pot, filling it with water, and putting it on the stove.

            "I know that." I growled, leaning against the wall. Saxon sat at the table, watching Liza and I carefully.

            "Then you should know she's not going to just let you kiss her." Liza snapped at me, her brown eyes flaming. "Dakoda isn't like all the girls you're used to, because she's not. You can't treat her like she is."

            "I'm not-"

            "Then get to know your mate! I may not know Dakoda, but I know how she acts. I don't even think she's ever even had a boyfriend. Find a way to deal with it, or you're going to blow everything you've been trying to accomplish. Got it?"

Are you going to let her talk to you like that?

'Um, I think I don't have much of a choice.'

You're not going to do anything about it, are you?

'Well, she had a point…'

So? She's talking to us like we're clueless!

'…Aren't we?'

Well…yea, but…fine. You win.

'Don't I always?' I smirked to myself.

Another Day in ParadiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora