Chapter 8: Tears and Revelations

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"Mony..." she trailed off with a guilty and pleading look.

"No, mom. Don't look like that. It wasn't your fault and still isn't. Dad, he was a jerk." I stated.

"Mony, he has his reasons. Trust me, I don't love him anymore but I don't hate him either. It's more of like 'friendship'. You shouldn't hate him either. Yeah, he hurt me, he hurt you, he left us., we weren't perfect. We just simply didn't feel it. He cheated and before that we were always fighting and arguing, we weren't meant for each other. Maybe we'll find our one true love one of these days. But if I do get married, I know I'll find a great guy, but I don't want you to replace your real dad, I want you to accept him but don't think of your dad like he's dead or something. Please." she explained.

"I-I'll try. He didn't even bother calling me since a month after he left, so I won't be promising anything. But I'll try, for you." I said quietly. She smiled and pulled me in a hug. I hugged her back and took a whiff of her scent of expensive Perfume and pulled away eventually.

I finished my pancakes and put our dishes in the dishwasher. While waiting for them to finish washing, the doorbell rang. At first I thought it was the dishes but when I didn't see the red light, I walked to the door.

"Who could it be?" Mom asked, I shrugged.

"I wasn't expecting someone. Please watch the dishes for me." With, that I continued to head towards the door.

I opened the door to find the least expected person I'd imagine to be on that doorstep. The person I didn't expect to come back since years ago. The person my mom and I were talking about. The person I call my dad.

"Daddy, what're you doing here?" I asked him as not as bitterly as I can.

He pressed his lips into a thin line before answering, "Sweetie, we need to talk about...a lot of things."

"Okay... Come in then." I said, stepping out of the way.

"Actually, I'm with my, uh..." he motioned his hand towards his car and I saw a woman standing nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at my dad expectantly.

"She's my... Okay, I'll explain to you later because you might want to sit down." he said. I just nodded meekly and made my way to the living room with dad and that girl trailing behind me. I sat down on the couch as they occupied the loveseat.

We were silent for a while when I spoke up. "Well? I don't wanna stoop around, I have stuff to do." I snapped.

I didn't even know I had it in me to snap at my dad.

"Sweetie-" he started but I cut him off.

"It's Mony." I said bluntly.

"Right. Well, Mony, this is Delilah, my fiancè." My eyes bulged as he said those words.

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Mony, calm down. Listen-"

"What's going on here?" Mom appeared at the top of the stairs and started coming down.

I ignored her and turned to the girl dad was with, "You! Dad got busy with you! That's why he didn't call me for years!" I pointed at the girl making her flinch.

"Rich? Delilah?" mom asked looking between the jerk and the whore.

"Dawn... we came here to, um explain stuff to Mony." The guy I hopelessly call my dad said.

"You know that- that, ugh. I can't even say it's name!" I asked my mom, well tried to, motioning to "the girl."

"Monica! Since when did you have such behavior! You were always so soft and good not rude and snappy." My mom countered.

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