"You have a few weeks left baby. Then you can get your tubes tied."

"I low key want one more kid." I laughed. "Hopefully a boy." Yup, Jaylin is a girl. My mom finished up with the mascara. She looked at Rolex watch I brought her last Christmas. "I should probably head out there." I hugged her. My dad walked into room, all dressed in black Tux.

"Hey baby girl." He kissed my forehead.

"Hi daddy." Is it weird calling your father daddy after moaned the same name to your husband right before you left for your bachelorette party?

"Last day being a Harrison?" I shrugged.

"I guess so." I said. "My life is about to change forever." I said. I fixed my veil.

"Not really. You're just switching out titles." He shrugged. He escorted me out to the doors of the sanctuary.

"If that white boy breaks your heart in anyway, I'm snapping his neck. I would get a more descriptive but this is a church." My dad says. He hasn't really given me or Nolan the "tough fatherly" talk because he trusted Nolan.

"Not if Lo doesn't get to him first." I mumbled.

I heard Here Comes the Bride play through out the sanctuary. I took a deep breath. I felt my body get hella hot from nervousness. It's conquering stage fright all over again.

The doors open. My dad and I walked down the aisle of the very hot church. Why am I having a wedding in freaking July is beyond me.

I looked at Nolan who stood examining my every move. He look good in his tux. A little too good. My mans even got them caterpillars he calls eyebrows waxed. All I had to was walk up some damn steps to be greeted with my soon to be husband.

I swear it got hotter in here. I feel myself sweating from under my veil.

My dad helped me up the four steps. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and gave Nolan a firm handshake. I heard Nolan yelp out in pain from the firmness of my dad's grip.

Nolan moved my veil from over my face. I noticed he was crying. He better stop before I cry next to him. He wiped his tears.

"You're beautiful." He said and grabbed my hands. I smiled slightly. I felt light headed from the heat of the church. Maybe it was just my imagination or the fact I didn't eat breakfast because I was too nervous to eat. I just wanna speed this along before I vomit all on the Minster. "Are you ok?" I nodded.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today..." The Minister started. I ignored everything he said due to the fact my head was killing me. Nolan was looking at me intently. He knew something was up. He just the minister continue you with the wedding.

We finally said our vows and our I dos. "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Robinson. You may now kiss the bride." Nolan pulled me in for the kiss. I felt his lips on mine but I saw black after that.



I went in to kiss my wife but she felt limp in my arms. She passed out.

"Is there a doctor?" I panicked. Someone from the crowd came and examined T's vitals.

"Her water broke." He said. "She passed out from dehydration. Did she eat?"

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