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Paul and patryk's POV

I felt so overwhelmed by what had just happened to the point where i still haven't moved from the couch and i was just a blushing mess, he likes me? i kinda wish he didn't stop, wait why do i wish that he didn't stop? AGH this is confusing. pat finally came out of the bathroom after about ten minutes and he walked into the living room to see me still on the couch in the same position he had left me in. 

He then got back on top of me causing me to blush more harder then before, pat then cupped my cheek and whispered into my ear with a seductive voice. "Should we continue now paulie now that there are no more interruptions~", my face was red now as i stuttered responding to his question. "y-yes p-pat", pat noticed my stutter and shaky voice, he then smirked and cupped my cheek once more and spoke in the same seductive voice. "no need to be scared paulie i'll be gentle i promise~", before i could process what he had told me, he put his finger under my chin and lifted my face up to look at his. 

Obviously i was extremely nervous and shaking which was stopped by patryk grabbing my arm with his other hand. we were now face to face and before i could say anything, pat then slowly leaned in and his lips pressed up against mine, my eyes widened and my entire face was now red as my cheeks went hot and to be honest. it felt good, pat then licked my lower lip asking for entrance and to my surprise and shock, i granted him entrance and almost Immediately his tongue explored every inch of my mouth while i let out small moans.

After about five minutes of making out, we both finally parted for air and looked at each other with patryk ultimately breaking the silence. "those moans were cute paulie....can i hear more~", i didn't want to disappoint pat and nodded my head even though i had no clue what he was going was going to do or should i say......where he was going but my question was answered almost right away when he made his way to my neck. i then felt his teeth sink into my neck and immediately my eyes widened and i let out a loud moan as he bit into my sweet spot.

pat instantly took notice and looked at me while smirking. "wow Paul i didn't expect that from's very charming" pat then put his soft lips against mine once more. "want to escalate things~" he said as he placed his hand on my thigh. my eyes then widened and i scrambled up from the couch and stuttered out my response, "um um i-im sorry b-but i-it's kinda late a-and i need to g-get some sleep" i then ran into my room and locked the door and jumped into my bed and fell asleep, while leaving a disappointed and sad patryk to sleep on the couch alone.

(Note: No smut today! but hey tbh i just noticed i always added a "c" to patryk's name so i had to edit the first chapter but anyway i had so much fun typing this chapter because well it's fun to type the story from the submissive's pov but i promise that the next two chapters will be from patryk's pov so anyway please inform me of any spelling errors! twig out!)

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