Day of truth~

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Sammy's P.O.V.
I wish today was the day we go after her but it's not. Just like how she killed my mother and aunt I'll kill her like that: before sunset. "Bad news Sammy. Suspect is on the move again." Laura said and I am so mad. "It's like she knows we're watching her." I said punching the pillow. "I hacked into her phone Sammy. I already told you that. So maybe she knows but I already thought of a backup incase she does." I heard Laura say and suddenly I was very interested. "What is your plan B?" I asked sitting next to her on my bed. "I hacked every single one of her electronics but don't ask how. That's something I can't say." She said but I ended up asking. "Why not?" I asked her. "It's too hard to explain." She answered me. "Even her kettle, toaster, charg--" I couldn't finish. "Of course NOT, just her phone, car's built in GPS, TV, laptop, computer. Stuff like that." She said and I face palmed softly. "Laura, I'm bored." I said. I know I'm irritating her and I'm doing it on purpose. "Go read the handbook, a novel, short story or go watch something on YouTube, Netflix or even TV." She said really irritated and I just listened and went downstairs to watch on my Netflix account. I checked for messages first and saw that I got a message from uncle Jason. It was asking me what should his next book's genre be. I thought for 5 minutes and typed back either murder or mystery. I then sent the message and went upstairs. "Are you going to irritate me or sleep?" She asked. It's only is as Max has paperwork to fill out at the office. "I am feeling sleepy." I answered and she took the laptop to the guestroom and I went under the blanket and let sleep pull me in.

In Sam's dream~
I was dreaming of Natalie. I saw that after 1 week she is going to take a boat and make a getaway. How do I know it's one week? She mentioned it herself. She said: After 1 week I can go back before they catch me. I now know that we have to fulfill our plan before that happens. Now you must be saying that this I shouldn't listen to a dream and it might not come true or you might be wondering what is happening in this book well let me tell you that every single one of my dreams has ALWAYS come true. I dreamt that Alex and Justin were fiancé and fiancée and it was true, I dreamt that Alex was an undercover cop and it was true, I dreamt that Alex was going to be murdered and it was true, I was shocked that it was true. I dreamt of Max being an undercover cop and it was true, I dreamt of my mom being murdered and it was true, I dreamt of dad dying and living with Max and Justin and it was true, I dreamt of meeting Laura and it was true. I don't know why this happens but it has always helped me out so I am thankful for that.

End of the dream~
I felt Laura shaking me awake and I woke up. "She messaged somebody that she is leaving in 1 week." She said raising an eyebrow so I decided to tell her what she wants to know. "I know. I dreamt of her using her getaway boat and leaving in 1 week." I told her and she nodded. She knows that every single one of my dreams has ALWAYS been coming true ever since I was 4. How does she know? Well, I told her and she told me that she can sense things like danger, someone in the same room as her e.t.c. and we both kept this a secret but we told Max. She also doesn't know why this happens to her but she says it has also helped her on numerous occasions. "Did she mention anything about knowing us tracking her?" Laura asked. "No she didn't." I said and she nodded and started leaving but before she left she spoke. "I think you can tell the future because of your dreams. So it's nice meeting you, fortune teller." She said and left me in pure shock. Maybe that's why me dreams always come true. So does that make me a psychic? I guess so. This is really helpful. I wonder if I can predict my own future. Wait, how did she know? I ran to her room and before I could knock she told me to enter. "If you want to know how I know then let me tell you about the magic of the Internet..... and my friend has experience with that." She said looking at me as we were both smiling the we both burst into laughter. Once we stopped I asked her. "How does your friend have experience with that?" I asked her and she just laughed again. "That friend is you." She said once she stopped laughing and wiped a tear away. My brain processed this and I laughed a little as well. "I should have known." I said once we calmed down. "Yeah, you should have." She said as I left her to continue her work. I went to my room and wondered if mom or Alex knew. I then wondered if anyone actually knows except me and Laura. I heard someone open the gate and Laura leave her room. Next thing I heard was Max saying: Relax it's only me. And Laura say: Sorry but I only wanted to protect Sammy. I went downstairs to see Laura putting away a pistol and Max standing at the door. I then realized what happened and was surprised. Laura thought there was an intruder and wanted to protect me. "Thanks Laura." I said giving her a hug and startled her and Max who didn't notice my presence. "It's fine." She replied. "Anyone looking at you 2 would think that you are sisters not best friends." He said as I left the embrace. "It feels like it." I said and Laura agreed. "Max I need to tell you something." Laura said, removing her glasses. "What is it?" He asked. "Our Samantha over here is a psychic who can predict the future." She said gesturing to me. "That's interesting. I think you are sort of psychic as well." He said but wasn't sure. "I doubt it." She said going to drink some water.

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