Chapter 1- The Book

Start from the beginning

“Well look who it is,” Fang's voice said behind her. She tried to duck her head, her fiery hair creating a veil over her face, and she picked up the pace a little.

Not today. Any day but today. She prayed silently as she heard their feet coming after her. She couldn't let them find that book. She just couldn't!

“Hey, slow down a second,” Fang taunted as they caught up to her. “Hey! I'm talking to you!”

She felt his filthy hand grab her shoulder and spin her around. She had just enough time to put her hands down at her sides so her book could be hidden behind the folds of her dress. She turned her amber eyes to the three boys and tilted her chin slightly, defiantly. “Good for you, Fang. I'm not. I suggest you do the same. It's not like I'll be missing an intelligent conversation or anything.”

Fang's eyes narrowed. “You know-”

She held up her hand to stop him. “I can't today, Fang. I need to get home. Try picking on me tomorrow.” She spun on her heel, using the flow of her dress to hide her book near the front of her again.

“I want to pick on you today!” Fang argued, grabbing her and spinning her around all over again. This time, she didn't expect it and wasn't able to hide her book right away. “What's that?” Fang teased, snatching the light blue hard cover from her hands.

“Give that back!” She demanded, lunging towards the dark haired boy. Mange and Mutt both were on her before she managed to get her book from him. They held her back by her arms as Fang inspected it.

“Hmm,” Fang mused, turning the book over and over. Each corner had a worn gold plate on it. The blue cover was a little dirty and there were parts that had been snagged, revealing the solid brown underneath that gave the book it's shape. The scruffy eight year old turned the book over to the front and inspected the faded gold calligraphy scrawled across the front before barking out a laugh. “Tales of the Kingdom?” Fang laughed, giving the restrained girl a look of mixed confusion and endless taunting. “Why would you read this? It's just a bunch of fairy tales. The Kingdom. Is. Dead.” Fang's eyes slid back to the hard cover again, turning it over and over, giving it an appreciative look. “But it's in nice condition. I bet I could take this to the market today and get myself a nice meal and some good pants to wear tomorrow.”

“Why do you want it?” She asked, struggling to free herself from the twins' grasp. “It's just a bunch of fairy tales.”

Fang's glance flicked back over to her and he gave her a smug look. “Because you want it.” He said simply. “Maybe if I just ruined this in front of you, it would be better than living like any king in this book.”

“Don't!” She shouted, throwing herself against Mange and Mutt's grip, but they held her tightly. Fang grinned wickedly and her eyes grew wide as she realized what she had just done. Her reaction had only provoked his need to destroy the book right in front of her.

Fang opened the book up to the middle and gripped either half so the pages were facing her. She saw his hands tense, about ready to rip it right down the spine when she heard someone shout “Hey!” and Fang was shoved forward. He sprawled across the ground, the book flew from his hands and fell a few feet away from the group.

A little boy about their age stood right behind where Fang had been. It was nobody any of them recognized. He must have been new to the school, but people hardly noticed that anymore.

Mange and Mutt didn't care, though. They let go of their own little prisoner and slowly walked up to the little boy while Fang gingerly picked himself up off the ground. He watched as his original target scurried off to grab her book before he climbed to his feet and face his attacker.

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