Chapter 3

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17 years later

“Heel Prince.” Princess Emily told her horse. She had just got back from her annual riding with her twin sister Sara, and like always Emily won the race. She wondered where her sister’s horse wandered off to this time, when her question was answered with shouts from the garden. Emily gracefully slipped off her horse and ran to the garden. The royal gardener was shouting in anguish looking upon his destroyed garden. Princess Sara was still on her horse but Emily realized that if she didn’t calm down the horse soon her sister would fall off into the pond behind her.

“Easy girl.” Emily calmly walked to the horse trying to get its attention. “It’s ok.” Slowly the horse calmed down and stood still while her rider got off.

“You okay Sara?” Emily asked helping her sister.

“Am I ok?” Sara angrily shouted. “This pathetic creature tried to kill me. Every creature I go near has to think that I am someone to throw around and get all filthy. And I have had it. I am no longer going on these riding trips because they are no fun whatsoever. And further more…” Sara looked at the gardener, who was still ranting, and her face became even redder than it was before. “You stupid oaf will you shut up, you are interrupting me and no one interrupts me. If you are going to complain go complain to another pathetic person. I am sure they want to hear you complain.” And with a harrumph Sara stormed off to change her dress and probably complain to their father how awful animals were and how pathetic the servants were. Sighing Emily grabbed the reins of the two horses and brought them to the royal stables.

Everyone in the kingdom said that she was the prettiest lady they had ever seen. But not only was she beautiful but she was kind and gentle to the animals and to everyone she ever met. Emily had perfectly curled brown hair, and a smile that never left her face. If someone in the kingdom was sad his neighbor would tell him “go see Princess Emily, she will cheer you up and she will help you solve all your problems.” Her eyes though were not like her mother’s or any person’s eyes. They were sapphire blue, and whenever she was outside, her eyes would glimmer and sparkle as if they were actual sapphires.

 “I just don’t see how Sara can be so rude to amazing creatures. You’re beautiful and fun and loving.” Emily sighed and sat on the haystacks. As Emily sat there she wondered what was going to happen to her. She was now 17, and old enough to be married. She was happy to do what was best for the kingdom but she wanted to travel the world before she had to settle down in a palace. From the books she read, the Kingdom east of them was once full of dragons. She had always wanted to meet a dragon but legend said they became extinct over 500 years ago.   

“You know you are a very rare princess, my dear niece.” Someone said interrupting Emily’s train of thought.

She looked to the door and smiled and jumped up and ran, “Uncle Nicholas! You’ve arrived.” Emily was so excited she couldn’t stop hugging her uncle. Even though she loved everyone, her uncle would never be replaced in her heart. To her it seemed he was the only one she could tell any of her problems.

“How are you doing? And my have you grown since I last saw you. How long has it been?”

Laughing Emily responded, “It has only been a month uncle, but it has been a very long month. Come on, father would love know that you are here.” She grabbed her uncle’s hand and raced to the palace. As she ran passed all the servants she could hear them all talking excitedly. Lord Nicholas was indeed a man who could make the grouchiest old man crack a smile.

 “Oh my dear I forgot to tell you. A King ‘Alexandar’ or something like that, has just arrived at the palace and I don’t think it is a good idea…”

Emily was too excited to understand what her uncle had said. All she heard was “Alexandar or something”

 “Father! Uncle Nicholas is here!” Emily shouted as she loudly entered the throne room. Then she realized the throne room had new faces and all these faces were standing there staring at her. The room fell completely silent but then Emily heard a soft chuckle which turned into a loud laughter. She turned her head and saw her uncle laughing uncontrollably.

“Well than I see I don’t need to finish my sentence because I see you have already noticed that there are guests here.” Her uncle said shaking his head.

“Um yes, thank brother.” King Jonathon interrupted. “This uncontrollable clown is my brother Lord Nicholas. And this lovely young lady is Princess Emily, and her twin sister should appear soon.”

Emily smiled and curtsied trying to hide her embarrassment of her entrance. A young man, about 18 probably, stepped away from the new crowd and walked to her. As he got closer Emily saw him become more handsome. She saw a crown on his head and realized that he was probably the prince.

“How do you do your highness.” The man said bowing and kissing her hand. “I am King Alexander.”

“Oh that’s good. At least your name isn’t Alexandare or whatever my dear uncle said.” Emily than just realized that she said that out loud and hurriedly said, “Oh I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”

 “That is ok, Princess Emily. It is good to know that some people still have a sense of humor.” King Alex said smiling at Emily than bowing to her uncle. “So you are the Princess’ uncle?”

“Yes I am your highness. And the whole name misunderstanding I am so sorry for that. I had no idea Emily would tell the whole palace about my mistake.”  Emily’s uncle fake glared at her and in return she curtsied with sarcastic pride.

 “Well then.” King Jonathon spoke up. He was afraid if he didn’t speak soon his brother and his daughter were going to continue teasing each other and then his brother would say something really embarrassing. “In honor of King Alexander’s arrival we shall throw him a ball tonight, if that is ok with you, your highness?” Emily’s father asked.

“Oh no my fellow king, that will be just fine. Now if you excuse me I must get settled in. Your highness, My Lord, Princess Emily it was a pleasure to meet you.” King Alex grabbed Emily’s hand and kissed it, then gestured to the people behind him and they left the throne room.

Emily was upset that Alex had to go but she knew she was going to see him tonight at the ball. Apparently her uncle saw her face because he looked at her father then back at her. “Well this is going to be a very interesting ball tonight.”




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