. Tips ☹️

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If your a pad kinda gal, change it every 3-5 hours
This saves your coochie from getting all dirty.

Don't have a heat pad? Waterbottles work amazing too!
I'd actually rather a water bottle then a heat pad, just because you can roll it about and give you're self a mini massage!

Get lots of sleep!
Getting sleep is important, even when you don't have cramps or your period.

Vitamin E helps eliminate some period symptoms
You can find it in avacodos, broccoli and almonds!

There's a brand called Tomies,
Tomies has specially designed underwear, just for your period! You get 3-6 underwear (depending) that come with heating pads. Little pocket in the front of the underwear that holds them.

Get a large stuffed animal
Dude. These things are great, easy to put on your bed and amazing to cuddle!

pt 2 coming soon...

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