The New Femme

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Starscream grumbled as he walked through the dark halls of the Nemesis, heels clicking along the cold metal floor as he walked to the throne room [is that what its called? I don't know... derp] focused only on the Vehicons passing by him in the halls as he wondered what "Lord" Megatron could possibly want to bother him with now. His thoughts drifted to his previous attempts to rid himself of his so called Master. His expression soured even more, it should be him on that throne not Megatron! His thoughts were cut short by the sound of doors opening, signaling his arrival in the throne room. Starscream sighed and turned his attention to the menacing leader of the Decepticons. Megatron, in turn, looked to the skinny heeled seeker he called Second in Command. He growled, " Starscream! What took you so long? Thinking up new ways to terminate me?" Starscream's wings twitched and he curtly bowed, "Apologies Lord Megatron. The hallways were a tad crowded with the newer Vehicons so it took me a bit longer to report." Megatron sneered and waved his servo to Soundwave, "No matter. Soundwave, I believe Starscream needs to know of the new seeker recruit he will be dealing with from here on out." Starscream's jaw dropped slightly from shock, before he regained his composure as Soundwave handed him a datapad that held information on the new seeker he was to be training. His glaring red optics skimmed over the information before resting on one very important detail. "Femme"... He scowled, the seeker he was to train was a female?! He turned to Lord Megatron to voice a complaint, but before he could, a groundbridge opened near the three, all turning there helms, debating on whether on not they should attack, but eased up once the intruder stepped through, on her chassis a shining Decepticon insignia. Starscream, and Vehicons that entered the room all gaped at the newcomer. Her crown like helm composed of sharp spikes, her broad chassis and skinny waist, and most importantly [at least to Starscream] were her heel like pedes. His wings twitched, and he swallowed past a lump in his throat. She was beautiful... her paintjob a mix of gold and silver, shining in the dull lighting of the throne room and her face... he paused in his thoughts, there was a deep blue visor covering her optics. She opened her mouth to speak, "Lord Megatron! I apologize that it has taken me so long to arrive to Earth after our last battle together." Starscream almost toppled over, not too unlike the Vehicon that did just that not to far away from the door [r.i.p. Steve]. Her voice was like that of... what did the humans call it? Oh yes, an angel. It was not too deep, but rich nonetheless, and it had a bit of an accent, but not enough to be entirely noticeable. He was brought back to the physical world when Lord Megatron said "Yes. It has been sometime Silverstream, but seeing as how you are here now, you are to train under Starscream until further notice." Starscream turned his attention back to the femme, who nodded and turned to face him, and began to approach. When they were finally face to face, she smiled, not a smile like he was use to, usually filled with malice or ill intentions ( are they familiar because those are almost always his?) but warm and friendly. " Are you Starscream?" she whispered, probably embarrassed she had to ask. He nodded, unable to find words. Her smile widened, "It is an honor to be training under the Second in Command." He finally managed to smile. As they exited throne room to go to the flight deck he thought, maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something great.

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