Chapter 2: A Flash Of Remembrance (Part 1)

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Darkness. That was all Hopper could see. He looked around, trying to figure out where the hell he was. Slime and wines were all over the place, including small white pieces in the air. It took Jim no time to figure out he was in the upside down. Panic travelled through his veins. "Not this again!" – He said to himself. Walking around, Jim avoided goo, tried to not slip and covered his nose and mouth with his sleeve. "Dad?" – He heard a female voice. He recognised that voice. A voice he hadn't heard in years! "Sarah?" – Hopper shouted, running around in circles, trying to figure out from where her angelic, petrified, hurt voice was coming from.

"Sarah, where are you?" – He shouted again. "Sarah?" – And again. "Sarah" – And again... Until she spoke again. "You left me daddy, here, alone..." "Where are you, Sarah? I'm coming for you!" "You left me. You left me and Jane!" – The girl shouted sounding angrier this time. "Jane?" – Hopper murmured to himself. "You left us to rot!" – He heard Jane this time. "Girls, I didn't let you go. I would never do that!" –Hopper confessed with tears forming in his eyes. "You are just like papa..." – Eleven shouted.

"You're a black hole; you suck everything good out of your life!" – He heard Sarah shout with voice full of rage and disappointment. Hopper ran towards the voices as they intensified, repeating the same words over and over again. "You're a black hole; you suck everything good out of your life" "You are just like papa!" You're a black hole; you suck everything good out of your life" "You are just like papa!" – Each time pain worth of a hundred daggers shot through his whole body. This wasn't any pain, it was real mental one. He could feel blood running down his whole body as tears blurred his vision. Hopper stopped and saw three figures in front of him. One taller, dressed in black and two shorter ones dressed in white.

As he wiped off the stinging tears from his eyes, his vision became clear as a day and saw Dr.Brenner standing in front of him with Sarah and Jane in hospital gowns by his side. The three figures looked directly at Hopper like they were reading his soul and mind. Jim spotted a change in his daughters' appearance. They both had buzz cuts. He walked towards Sara, Brenner and Jane's head turning towards him. He cupped his daughter's cheek and lifted her left arm. 012. Horror was painted over his face as he looked up towards Brenner. "You didn't!" – He said in a low, raspy voice. Brenner just smirked. Hopper then kneeled down towards Jane. "Jane wh..." "I'm not Jane, I never was, and I will never be! I'm Eleven!" – And before he knew it, she strangled him by using her power.


Hopper woke up with from his dream with a dry mouth and a pool of his sweat on his bed sheets. He turned towards his bedside clock and saw that it was only 8:12am. A cold shower was the best way to shake off the dream he had. The same thing was happening in his dream for a year ad at this point it was normal for Jim to have the exact sae dream every night! The shower made Jim feel more alive, so he proceeded with his morning routine; washing his teeth, getting dressed, making breakfast for him and Jane. Today was a sunny morning, sunny enough to eat on the back porch that had a view of the lake. When he finished the breakfast, Hopper toasted two eggos, one for himself and one for Jane.#

Like clockwork, she walked in the kitchen as soon as the eggos were on their plates. She hugged and greeted the big guy and helped him to set up the table while making small talk. El went out with her plate of breakfast and took a moment to appreciate the scenery around her. She was never this much at peace before. A good home life, good teacher, good friends and an even better male and female figure in her life to guide her towards the right path. Nothing could possibly go wrong! There wasn't a huge gate to cause trouble, or a mad lab that was after her. El even forgot about what her sister, Kali told her about Dr.Brenner, but he was way, way back on her mind.

They both sat down and ate breakfast like a normal family. "What do you think, Jane? Do you like the whole view over here?" – Hopper asked the girl and pointed towards the nature surrounding them. "I like it! It's different, but I prefer this!" – She smiled and put a piece of her scrambled egg with syrup (something she learned from Mike). "Do you like it?" "I love it, kid! I prefer it over anything. If the water wasn't cold I would probably jump in!" – Jim tried to make his curly-haired daughter smile and she gave him a subtle laugh. "Maybe in summer we can have a BBQ and invite all of our friends over?" – She suggested the first thing that came in her mind.

"Yeah... I can imagine it. Maybe I can make a little beach area over there if I clean that up. And we can get a BBQ and place it over here, right in the corner. A picnic table and a big umbrella in case it rains or it's too hot! Great idea Jane!" – He high-fived her and she gave him a huge smile. "You know what else is a good idea?" – Eleven tried to act innocent and humble because she knew that he would fall for that. "What is it kid?" "If we got a dog... Or a cat?" – She batted her eyelashes and gave her guardian puppy eyes. He just chuckled and reached to ruffle her already done nicely hair. "Good try, kid!"

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