"Ezra," she said quietly, not really wanting him to stop, but knowing that he had to.

"Mmm sorry, is this moving too fast?" He asked dropping his hands from her bra clasp. He moved back a bit so he could look into her eyes.

"No," Ezra looked down guilty, "no, Ezra, no," Aria said with more authority this time. "I want this to happen," he looked up at her hopefully, "but it can't. Not right now. I have to go to Spencer's," Aria looked into his eyes and moved her hand to the side of his face stroking it lightly. She tried to convey everything that she was feeling right now to him, seeming to understand, he nodded.

"Yeah, okay," Ezra said with a little pout. Aria quickly got up before the urge to kiss him became unbearable. She hurriedly picked her shirt off the ground and put it on. She picked up her jacket and backpack and went to the door and slid on her heels. "Are you gonna come back over tonight?" Ezra asked longingly from the couch as he reached down and picked up his discarded shirt and pulled it over his head.

"I can't, I am seriously swamped with homework. My stupid English teacher is making me turn in my final draft of my story tomorrow," Aria said with a teasing smile.

"How dare he!" Ezra yelled, "What gives him the right?"

"Exactly!" Aria said with a giggle, "Alright, I'll call you tonight around 10:00," She quickly ran back over and kissed Ezra quickly before running toward the door, "bye! Love you!" Aria shouted as she opened the door and began to walk out.

"Love you too!"

"So, let me get this straight, he's taking you to New York City for the weekend, and to see RENT?" Emily asked shocked.

"That is so romantic!" Hanna added. Once Aria had arrived at Spencer's she had immediately told them how Ezra had made plans for their six month anniversary. They were all sitting in Spencer's living room. Textbooks were spread all over the floor but they were mostly for decorations. None of the girls had picked up a pencil ever since Aria had arrived with the news. Instead, Hannah and Spencer were seated on either side of the love seat. Aria was curled up in a ball in an armchair. Emily was seated on the ground, her back leaning against the a footrest

"Yeah, he is," Aria said, she couldn't help the smile that slowly spread across her face, "I need one of you to cover for me though. Coming home a bit late after school might not draw my parents attention but disappearing for an entire weekend might rise a bit of suspicion."

"No kidding," Hanna muttered, idly picking at her nails.

"I can do it," Spencer cut in. Aria turned to her.

"Oh my god Spence, that would be amazing if you could," Aria said gratefully.

"Yeah, of course. It's not like I'm doing anything else," Spencer replied regretfully. Her parents had recently banned her from seeing Toby and had her under 24 hour surveillance.

"So are you doing anything else besides seeing the show?" Emily asked from her seat on the floor.

"Not that I know of," Aria began, "We'll probably got out for dinner or something. Ezra's being really secretive about the entire trip,"

"Ohh! Maybe he has 'something special' planned," Spencer said with a smirk placing air quotes around "something special". Aria knew exactly what she meant by 'something special' just by the tone of her voice, the air quotes were overkill.

"Yeah probably something like 'baking cookies'," Hanna added with her own set of air quotes.

"Really? I thought he would probably be more likely to want to 'dip the pen in the ink'," Spencer teased.

"'Churn the butter'," Hanna said with a wink.

"'Bury the bone'," Spencer said excitedly. Spencer and Hannah began listing as many euphemisms they knew for sex, the last one more awkward and terrible than the one before it.

"'Hit a home run',"

"'Walk the dog',"

"Guys seriously," Aria snapped.

"Really Spence? He seems more likely to want to, 'storm the trenches'," Hanna commented. Hanna and Spencer dissolved into a pile of laughter. Emily was smiling too. Aria glared over at her and her smile fell immediately.

"Honestly guys, be nice to Aria. It's her six month anniversary and all she really want to do is have a good time," Emily scolded, directing her gaze at Spencer and Hanna. They slowly stopped laughing and sat up straighter.

"Thanks Em," Aria said gratefully.

"Mr. Fitz on the other hand really just wants to 'part the pink sea'," Emily said quickly. Spencer and Hanna lost it, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! " Emily dissolved into laughter joining Spencer and Hanna.

"That was terrible Emily!" Hanna laughed. Spencer was nearly crying.

"Sorry, Aria. I had to!" Emily apologized. Aria sighed and rolled her eyes. She had to admit Emily's was pretty funny. The whole topic just made her feel a bit uncomfortable, especially considering what she may have just promised Ezra a few hours ago.

"It's fine, Em. It's just... I- we- before I got here we-," Aria stopped herself, she really didn't know what she was trying to say. It seemed, however, the girls did. They stopped laughing and all started at her open mouthed.

"Aria, did you and Fitz have sex before you got here?" Hanna whispered, jumping to the most wild conclusion.

"I can never look at him the same," Spencer muttered to herself.

"No, guys! No!" Aria nearly shouted. How did all of this get so out of control? Why were they even discussing her sex life to begin with? "We didn't have sex. We umm, well we were kissing and it got a little ... heated-"

"And?" Hanna prodded

"I was getting to that! We were ... making out and he-, God, this is awkward ... him and I were both shirtless, and umm, well his hands were-"

"I don't need to know this!" Spencer said loudly, covering her ears. Hanna loudly shushed her. Aria just sat there, her cheeks deepening in color.

"Anyway, he started to undo my bra and well-"

"Oh my god!" Emily covered her mouth with her hands, shocked, "Aria, where is this going?" Aria rolled her eyes and continued retelling this afternoon.

"So, I noticed the time and I told him to stop because I had to go. He thought I was rejecting him, so, I told him that I wasn't and that I was ready to do ... things with him, but I don't know if he thought I meant sex or..." Aria trailed off letting the sentence hang girl looked up at her expectingly, waiting for her to add more.

"Well, are you ready ... for sex?" Emily asked timidly. Aria shrugged.

"I mean ... yeah, I could definitely see it happening"

"Yeah, but do you want it to happen?" Spencer asked. It was extremely nerve racking and awkward to think about with all her friends staring at her, but Aria really thought about the question and what her relationship with Ezra meant to her. She thought about how she felt about him and how he made her feel. She really couldn't see herself with anyone else nor did she want to. She remembered all the time they spent together in his little apartment, camping out on his sofa watching terrible TV and eating Chinese food. Just hours ago she was completely content with just lying next to him while he slept.

"Yeah, I think I do," Aria said softly. She kept her eyes glued on her shoes, not wanting to meet any of her friends faces. After a couple moments, the silence was broken.

"Well," Hanna said, "then just make sure you pack some cute underwear and everything should be fine!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2012 ⏰

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