The Knight and his Lady

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Sorry for taking so long with So, this last chapter of this fanfic doesn't take place in any famous fairy tale. Still I hope you enjoy it,
"How about we make a deal?" Ladybug stood in front of Storyteller that sat in a throne giving her a evil smile. "Choose a knight to fight me. If they win, I'll set everyone free and we'll return to reality. But is you don't find him, you'll be stuck here and your miraculous will be mine!" Ladybug ran outside and saw a army of 500,000 knights in the castle court yard. "How am I suppose to choose just one knight?" Ladybug looked around and saw each one was decorated in the most colorful banners and uniform. While looking around she noticed a knight hiding in the corner of the court yard. His armor was rusted beyond repair and use in battle, his armor was all so cover in dents and scratches, and his sword was broken. "He couldn't be Chat Noir, right?" Ladybug looked at the army of shining knights that stood in front of her and to the rusted knight. Then she remember a saying that her dad  told her when she was little. She smiled and walked up to the rusty knight that was hiding behind a tree, "I know this sounds crazy but I need you to fight Story teller." The knight was in shock, "I'm a knight that's armor is tattered and worn, rusted more than iron bell, with his blade as dull as useless butter knife. Why choose me when you can choose a knight in shining armor? 

" Ladybug smiled at him, "a knight in shining armor is a knight is a knight that never been in a battle before. A knight that's armor is tattered and worn, rusted more than iron bell. Is a knight, in battle, can fight well. He'll do whatever it takes to protect the people he cares about." Chat smiled and hugged Ladybug when he heard this, "I'll always be the knight that severs and protects you till my last breath." Storyteller gave a fake trowing up face as he watched the two heroes, "yuck, I didn't think you'll chose the boring rusted knight to battle me. Let's just get this over with!" Storyteller ran towards the knight and swung his sword but the knight picked up Ladybug and jumped 20 feet into the air. He landed on top of the castle wall and took out his broken sword after he placed Ladybug down. "I'll end this story for you, young maiden." He jumped down and fought the Storyteller as they blocked and attacked each other. Storyteller tried to attacked him with his books and mirrors but he easily dodge it and shatter the mirrors. The knight punched him in the face and grabbed his story book which turn black when he touched it. Ladybug's jaw dropped when she saw the akuma flew out of the book and she quickly caught it. After it was purified, everyone reappeared back in the library as their normal selves. 

Ladybug smiled when she saw everyone was back to normal but she jumped when she saw the Rusty Knight standing behind her. "Thank you for helping me. I was wondering, what story are you from?" The knight took off his helmet and showed he was really Chat Noir, "actually I'm apart of your story, M'lady." Ladybug's jaw dropped when she saw the knight was really her partner, "I guess this story comes to a end." Chat smiled when Ladybug used her Lucky Charm to fix all the damage in the school. *beep* "Got to fly, see you, Chat." Both heroes took off as their miraculous ticked down to zero and change back to their civilian forms. "Hey guys, glad to see you're alright." Adrien and Marinette smiled at Alya and Nino, "yeah, that akuma attacked was crazy." Alya smiled and tooked out a book from her bag, "we have to do this fairy tale for our project!" Adrien and Marientte looked and saw  it was the story Aladdin but it had Ladybug and Chat Noir on the cover of the book. Marinette started to freak out when Alya opened the book to the page where Ladybug and Chat kissed each other. While Adrien stood there blushing as Marinette tried to take the book away from Alya. "Marinette, this is perfect, plus, you can be Jasmine while Adrien is Aladdin when we have to act out a scene in front of the class."

"No way! I can't do that Alya! I am terrible at acting!" Alya rolled her eyes at her, "you already have the same flower as Princess Jasmine had in your hair." Marinette freak out level jumped from 10, to 10,000,000 in a heartbeat when she took the flower out of her hair and saw it. Adrien smiled because he was the one that gave that flower to Ladybug and now, Marinette has it in her hair when Ladybug never took off ever since their trip to the Aladdin story. *Marinette is M'lady, she is Ladybug!* Adrien only stood shut and smiled as the pieces start to come together and showed him the truth. How Marinette looks similar to Ladybug, both are never in the same place at the same time, and she always disappears when there's akuma attack. He smiled and grabbed his bag as he hides the truth he just learned because he didn't want to tell her just yet. That was for another day, as this story comes to a end for today, "someday I'll tell you, M'lady." Adrien smiled at Marinette as he leaves the library while Marinette still argued with Alya about the book. 

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