Who? What? Pt 1

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Harold Hutchins gripped his backpack and slipped on the hood and adjusted the mask to fit his face, "2:37 am" his phone light brightened the garage. Quietly, he sneaked under the garage so no one could spot him, at night, his black outfit made him nearly invisible.

Harold looked back at his house and sighed. "This is my life now" he thought, then he quickly dashed into the darker places of the neighbourhood.

He reached the 24/7 corner store that was located the furthest of the busier streets of the city. He looked around for any civilians in case he got caught. Then he inches closer to the store, listening carefully for any sounds of talk or footsteps.

He reached into the back of his bag and crashed a way inside the store, he turned around to the one worker there, he looked like he needed to retire. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND DONT MOVE A MUSCLE" he demanded and rushed around the isles and shoved whatever he can into his back pack. He turned back to the worker, but he had his hands full with the phone "The police ate headed this way!"

"Gotta go fast" he winked to the angry and frightened clerk and ran out of the store with his backpack filled with corner store goods.
The ran, and ran, and reached the outcast alley, where all the bad guys hang out. Harold figured the police wouldn't dare find him here, with all these people, death would be at your feet in a matter of seconds.

He found a door to a way up some stairs, it seemed to be an abandoned apartment and he ran up there to hide, until he can change into non-suspicious clothing and go back home.
Harold hears someone talking... to themselves

"NO NO NO! What am I gonna do? If someone finds out, I'm dead meat" said a boy, he looked around the same age as Harold.

"What are you doing here?"

Collided (Captain underpants George x Harold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora