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reader's p.o.v

The room was dark. Cold. Danger lingered through the thin air. You sat up slowly, remembering where you where. Your head pounded. It was a pain you have never experienced before. It felt like multiple swords were being forcefully pushed through your eyes.

You slowly lifted your head from the pillow, to try and check your surroundings. Your vision was slightly blurry so it was quite difficult to see but you still tried. You shifted positions slightly, sending an instant shooting pain through your legs. A loud grunt of pain escaped your lips as tried to see what was causing the pain.

Bandages were wrapped tightly around your lower wrists. Blood had seeped through and left a red stain upon the white bandage. You gasped, wondering what they had done to you or if you had done this to yourself. The whole of your body ached, your ankles felt like weights and your stomach growled.

You tried to sit up in your bed but the pain was just too unbearable. Just as you were going to make another attempt, the door swung open and I'm stepped a female doctor dressed in a white coat. She switched on the light, making you squint your eyes shut.

"Hello Y/N. Nice to see you up and well," she states, pulling out a clipboard.

"Well? I can barely shucking move," you protested, anger bubbling inside you.

"That is no way to speak to me," the doctor replies, scribbling on her paper.

"What happened to me?" You questioned, ignoring her complaint.

"Well we ran some tests on your blood. Took some out, put different kinds in," she listed, making you feel dirty.

"H-how am I still alive?" You breathed, looking down at your bloodied arms.

"You barely just made it," the doctor spoke, blankly.

"Thanks," you rolled your eyes and carefully folded your arms.

You watched the doctor take notes and read information off the machines you were connected to, which you only just noticed.

"When can I see the others," you asked, nervously waiting for he answer.

"It's highly likely you won't see them again. You're blood Y/N... it's special," she spoke as if it was a good thing, making you furious.

"Get me out of here!" You screamed, trying to move your body but the pain was too unbearable.

"Calm down miss," she instructed, trying to push you down on our shoulders.

You tried your hardest to squirm away from her, reaching to the bedside table and grabbing the first thing you touched. Much to your luck, it was a scalpel so you quickly jabbed it into the side of her neck. She screamed out in pain and let go of you to grab her now bleeding neck. You quickly pushed yourself up from the bed, but you instantly fall over. Your legs weren't strong enough to hold you up.

"Shuck," you whispered to yourself as you tried to pull yourself along.

Just then the door flung open and in walked Janson and a few different guards. They pulled you up from the position down below, not caring that you were in immense pain. They threw you down onto the bed, hastily and strapped you down.

"You're going to regret that," Janson smirked as a growing feeling of anxiety formed in the pit of your stomach.

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