Chapter 1

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My Demons

It was the night of Halloween, there was children running around everywhere, rushing to get candy from anywhere and everywhere. It was about 9:30pm so I got into my red PJ's and got into bed. For some reason I couldn't sleep because I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched... At about 10 o'clock I was still wide awake when my phone sounded, I looked to see a message with no caller I.D, asking if I wanted to come over for the night and I replied simply with "Who are you? and no because I don't know who you are!!". After laying there for awhile I almost fell asleep thinking that they weren't going to respond. Well, that was what i thought, until the phone started ringing with the same numbers at the top of the screen as before. I decided I wouldn't answer and rolled back over to face away from the phone and ignore it when a large dark shadow emerged from the center of the screen and rolled onto the lime green wall.

Because it was late the room seemed extra gloomy, like it was right out of a horror movie. The shadow lunged forward and picked me up by the neck, pinned me to the wall and tightened its grip, it wasn't enough to kill me but just enough to make me fall unconscious. Just before I fully blacked out, I saw two figures which seemed like men, emerge from the shadows, one had wild green hair and the other had messy red hair, they noticed me staring at them, and both looked at me with a menacing grin. After that I blacked out, unaware that my life would NEVER be the same after that. The next day I woke up to find myself in a dark room hanging from the ceiling with chains attached to my wrists and ankles. I assumed that I'd been hanging there for awhile because my arms were throbbing from holding the weight of my whole body, it felt like my arms were going to rip off. Once my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I looked to see that the walls were pure white, with deep red, faded bloody hand prints spread across the majority of the walls. Once my eyes adjusted further, I saw that the chains I was hanging from, were rusted, but the metal that wrapped around my wrist itself were rather new. After a few more minutes, two people entered the room through a door I swear wasn't there before, but leaving that to the back of my head, I started screaming at them to help me when I realized who they were...They were the two people from last night, unlike the last time i saw them, I could now make out their distinct features. The green haired man had one blue eye and one bright green eye, he also had a huge cut horizontal to his neck, a black t-shirt and ripped black jeans. The red haired man on the other hand, had crimson eyes with dark black bags underneath them, a grey suit with a neat tie and a white undershirt. The green haired man introduced himself as ÂñTíŠÊpTíçËÿę, but i stated that i was to call him Anti, and the red haired man introduced himself as Darkiplier, but requested for me to call him Dark. I could tell that Anti was Irish because of his accent, though sometimes it was hard to place because his voice sounded really laggy and glitchy, it didn't sound human in the slightest, but neither did his appearance. Apart from what I said before, he also has parts of him, like, ummm, how would I describe this? Like, little rectangles are cut out of him...and float around next to him? like, it would on a broken TV screen, and he's glitching around the room constantly unless he is determined to stay on that spot...Anyways, Dark is quite similar, he sounds like he comes from America, yet he looks korean, he has this red and blue ora around him, like what you might see if you were going to see a 3D movie, but refuse to wear the 3D glasses because you think it looks cooler that way...moving on, He's always calm, (unlike Anti who seems jumpy and energetic all the time) he always speaks with such superiority, like he thinks of himself at a much higher standard than everyone else.

Suddenly, a tingly feeling left my head that I didn't even notice was there originally, than Dark openly asked "Are you done examining us yet?", I grew confused and asked  "What do you mean?", even though I prooooobably wouldn't have wanted to know the answer. The tingly feeling returned in my head and it sounded like Anti and Dark were talking, but when I looked at them their mouths weren't moving at all, they just seemed to have a " as a matter of fact" look in their eyes. In my head, I heard them chant in unison, "We ÃRĘ demons ÄÑD can GĘT into ŸØŪR head ÄÑD drive ŸØÙ ÏÑŠÅÑĖ!!!" I was dumbstruck, I had no words for what had just happened...

After they both noticed my confusion, they left my head and cracked up laughing right in front of me, like i wasn't there. I dropped my head in embarrassment only to finally realize, a bed of nails underneath me. Suddenly, the chains undid themselves and reclined into the roof, into undetectable holes, no one would have believed me unless they witnessed it for themselves.

I was suddenly plummeting to the ground, i was hoping and screaming that someone would catch me, but not this time. Once I had landed, a heap of nails dug into my leg, pain shot through me instantly and blood pooled on the floor, it was a deep crimson red, that only could have come from far within my leg. I cried out in pain and screamed for them to help me, but they only stared and watched. In a flurry of tears, I knew that they weren't going to help, so I looked for a place to put my hands so i could lift myself up, but everywhere I tried to put my hands there was always something sharp. Black mist was clouding my vision and I was about to give in, but I slammed both of my hands into the nails and pushed myself up, it hurt a lot, of course, i screamed out in agony for a second, then forced myself to quickly adjust to the pain, the black mist became impossible to see through, but out of nowhere, a strong pair of arms lifted me up and off the nails with ease...I heard faint voices telling me not to go to sleep, but I couldn't help it, I ended up drifting into a painless, lifeless sleep...

~~GREETINGS ONCE AGAIN EVERYONE, So this is what your lovely Author-Chan (Ilikemeatwithgravy **NOT ME**) came up with! She's working really hard on making this a great story so you all can enjoy it! Heh...Heeeeeey, Author-Chan, please don't kill me, i edited A lot of it to make it to give everyone a better idea on what the setting is like and all that Jazz, since that what Editor-Sama's job is...Sorry...~~

My Demons {Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye}Where stories live. Discover now