Not too late for me...

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Ross didn't know what to do. He was confused about his feelings and how he felt with them. On one hand Maia was his girlfriend, but in the other hand Laura was one of the most important person to him. He knew the wasn't giving Maia much credit ,but he couldn't lie to himself. He was so confused about what he felt for Laura. He hated her in the past, but turns out that he ended falling for her. He was torn between two girls... but he knew the girl he really wanted to be with...

Today was a really big day for him: it was prom day. He was kind of nervous about going because he didn't know if he could have the guts to talk to Laura. He had already asked Maia to go with him, but inside he wished that it was all the way around. He was flipping out about if he would see Laura with a date. He didn't know how he would react. He didn't even know if Laura wanted to see him, but he knew how she felt about him. His mom helped him get ready for the big day. She had noticed that he wasn't looking really happy.

"Are you okay, sweetie? You don't look so happy." Stormie said carresing his cheek.

"Nothing,mom... just thinking." he said fixing his collar.

"About Laura?" Stormie asked chuckling

"What? that's crazy." Ross said coldly.

"Honey I know you like the back of my hand. I know how you look at her and act around her and I know that she looks at you the same way." Stormie says caressing his cheek.

"No mom, this is crazy! I can't like the person I hate." He says defensive.

"Honey you and I both know that you don't hate her anymore." Stormie says laughing.

"So you're encouraging me to say: to admit that I like Laura even though I have a girlfriend?" Ross asks confused scratching his neck.

"Honey I adore Maia ,but you know deep down that you don't love her in that way... and you know who you do feel that for." Stormie says smiling.

"I'm so messed up!" He says pulling his hair back.

"Well honey they say that the best love is insane." Stormie said giving him a kiss on the forehead and leaving.

The words that his mom said was repeating over and over again in his head "the best love is insane" could it be? He was so confused, but he wasn't about how he felt. He was ready to go, but he was also nervous. He looked handsome with his tuxedo with a red rose in his jacket-pocket. His mom was almost crying of how great he looked. Rydel was already crying. His brothers and sister said goodbye to him. The the problems that he was going through. His family gave him a group hug and said goodbye.

on the way to the party Ross kept thinking what was he going to do when he gets there and how would her react. He was in way over his mind. But also he had to admit that he was excited to see Laura. he never thought about breaking up with Maia, but if he didn't he would be living a lie with someone. Finally the got to the prom place. He waited for Maia outside of his car. In the distance he could see all of Laura's friends, but he didn't see her. Was she not going? He couldn't let Laura in his mind tonight; at least he hoped for that not to happen.

He finally saw Maia. She was beautiful with a sparkly, long blue dress walking up to him. He was jaw dropped by the way she looked. She kept smiling and laughing of how goofy his face looked.

"Hey!" Maia exclaimed leaning in for a kiss.

"Hey..." he gave a quick kiss. "You look beautiful." He says extending his hands.

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself. " She says smirking.

"Shall we?" Ross asked putting his hand out.

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