Chapter Two

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Frederick screamed and sat bolt right up in her bed, her wings a disheveled mess behind her as she frantically made sure she wasn't in that dreaded place. After glancing around the room, Fredericks vision began to get blurry as she remembered killing her mom in her rage.

"I can't believe I did that..." she whispered to herself, her voice shaking. She didn't want to go back to sleep, and she prayed she'd never see that vision again.

"you did what?" a female voice asked, her motherly tone laced with worry. Her mom had slipped into her room unnoticed. At the sound of her voice, Frederick let her hands fly up to her face as she leaned on her moms shoulder, glad to have someone to talk to. Her mom pet her hair in attempt to calm her down, and began to sing.

"mom, I had the worst dream," she hiccupped, "and I wish it didn't happen." Her mom pushed her a little farther away and wiped her tears, soothing Frederick a little bit.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, kissing the top of Fredericks forehead. So Frederick did. Up to every last detail, about the prisoners stares, Haggars crackling lightning, and even to how mad it made her. A look of fear flashed in her mother's eyes at the mention of Haggar, and Frederick almost missed it. She payed it no mind however, for her mother had asked her a question. "Would you like to hear a bit about your father?"

Frederick sat up a little straighter upon hearing this, and eagerly nodded her head. This would be the first time her mom willingly told her something about her dad, who abandoned her after she was born, and she wasn't about to miss it.

Already deep in thought, her mother smiled at all her memories. "You have his eyes. Dark violet, big and round. Always looked curious, just like you do. He would always look interested in anything people said, no matter what it was, even if it was a topic he didn't like!" she laughed, seemingly remembering a funny action he did. "he was a hybrid, just like you, with angel wings of a purple shade and slightly purple fur all over his body. A bit of Warnicus, where your wings come from, and a bit Galra, too. Although, he was born to an Altean man, and a Galran-Warnican woman. Or at least that's what he told me." Frederick listened intently, remembering each name from her heritage, wanting to look them up later. "He worked alongside King Alfor when making the infamous Voltron, Legendary Defender. Which means, I banged a 10,000 year old man." she laughed. Frederick let a small smile out at that. "He was such a caring man, always looking out for others. He took the blame, even when it wasn't his fault. He also always saw the good in everyone. However," Her mothers eyes turned dark, "when you were born, he took of running. didn't know what to do, i figured. He had never had a child before, but didn't consider how I would manage. I still love him to death, though!" Frederick and her mother both smiled, knowing it was the end of the conversation. Her mother stood up, looking around the now empty room. "we'd better get you off to the Garrison sometime soon, eh?" She asked, walking out the door.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute!" Frederick called. It was going to be a new beginning this year. She would be confident and strong. Frederick smiled. It was going to be amazing.


Calling out, "I love you!", Frederick bid her mother a farewell as she was whisked away in the crowd of kids wearing uniforms, occasionally stumbling and hitting people with her wings, giving them mouthfuls of feathers. As soon as she set her backpack down, Iverson's voice called on a speaker.

"Get to your classes everyone! No skipping!" he commanded, causing everyone to rush down the hallways. Frederick sighed, and spread open her wings, not wanting to be trampled. Glancing down at her page, Frederick realized she had to go to room 304, all the way down the hall.

In one big swoosh of air, she was up above everyone else, soaring over their heads, making it to class way faster than anyone else ever could. As she stumbled to the ground as a landing, she realized the only three other people were some girl named Pidge, the "tailor" Lance, and the cook, Hunk. She payed no mind to them as she took her seat, glancing around the room. It was the same type of classroom you expected to see at an elementary school, or a secondary school, but much bigger and seated like a lecture hall. In the direct center stood a flying stimulator, and Frederick guessed they would be doing a flight review today. As she began to come back into focus, she saw that most of her classmates had come in, and were glancing at her skeptically every so often. Her gaze hardened as she heard snippets of conversation.

Our Faded Wings (Lance x OC) *discontinued until further notice*Where stories live. Discover now