The Tutorial

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"Ok so here's the deal, one of us must be the co-player to someone else. Did you guys choose your client players?" I explained to the skype call.

*The call is silent*

"It's ok though because I'm gonna go in first to make sure this actually works. But be warned, once I enter, it is heavily advised that you try to make it in as fast as possible." I said to reassure my soon to be partners.

"I guess I'll be your server player then." Khalil said. It's pretty easy to count on Khalil to do something you need when he's in the right mood. It's something I'll be able to count on later.

"Ok, so Khalil and I are gonna load up the game. Khalil insert your server disc and I'll insert my client disc." I instructed. Hopefully, after all of this, people get really excited to play. Khalil inserted his disc and loaded the game as I did the same. As I waited for Khalil to connect with me I started clearing space around the house.

*Khalil connect to me as my server player*

"What are you doing?" Khalil asked while moving around the mouse to get a feel for the controls.

"I'm moving things around so that you can place the necessary things here to kick-start the intro." I replied to him. I don't know much about this game but I can help guide him to guide me.

"Whats this?" Khalil drops a big machine in the middle of the room.

"What does it say?" I ponder.

"Its called the alchemiter." Khalil replied placing down another machine. "This is called a Totem Lathe?" He said in a confused voice. What do all of these do?

"Well based off of what I've read from a past playthrough both of those are needed to complete the tutorial. As long as you place all 3 machines I should be able to finish this quickly."

"Oh ok sure." Khalil says as he places down the final machine. "This one is called the Cruxtruder?" Khalil said confused.

"Ok, that should be the last of it then. The real question is what do I prototype it with." I say walking around the house looking for appropriate items.

Khalil starts playing around with the controls and accidentally opens the cruxtruder. "Oh dang what did I do!?!" He exclaims.

I ran to the cruxtruder and saw that it had opened. "OH DANGIT I DIDN'T CHOOSE WHAT I WANNA PROTOTYPE!!!" I screamed while running around the room.

"What do you mean prototype!?!" Khalil exclaimed while moving things around the room.

"Its when you combine the kernelsprite with something so that it can do some stuff." I explained while looking for something to prototype.

"What if I just..." Khalil said while tossing in my mannequin head.

"WOAH NO WAIT-" I exclaimed.

*The sprite has now been prototyped once.*

"Hey Malik what is that?" Khalil questioned looking at the cruxtruder.

"Hey not now the sprite is trying to tell me something but I can't understand it." I replied trying to listen closely to the sprite.

"Is that a timer? What is it counting down for?" Khalil said in curiosity.

"WAIT THE TIMER STARTED!?!" I screamed in an anxious tone. I had read something from a gameplay of the beta version of the game that when the timer hits zero a tragedy strikes the house. "I NEED TO GET A CRUXITE DIAL!" I said while using the cruxtruder to get one. I run over to the totem lathe and place the dial inside. It drills out certain carvings.

"What are you doing Malik? That looks useless." Khalil said while poking me with the cursor.

"HEY STOP I CAN FEEL THAT THIS IS SERIOUS IF I DONT DO THIS SOMETHING BAD MIGHT HAPPEN." I scream at the ceiling. I guess he could be watching from there. I calm down and go over to the alchemiter. "Ok If I recall I just place it here and..." I place the totem on the alchemiter and it forms what appears to be a green guitar. I look up outside and see the asteroid really close to my house. "Ok Khalil wish me luck!" I exclaim sounding slightly worried. I strum the guitar and my house gets transported to a new place.

"What is this place?" Khalil said in wonder.

"I don't... know..."I reply looking outside.

End of Part 2

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