Triwizard Trouble!

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I finally entered Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione, I quit my prefect duties as they were a bit tiring so I gave them up to Angelina who was also probably made Quiddich captain as well. I was also thinking about quitting Quiddich for some reason.

Anyhow, as we sat down there was the usual chatter and buzz of Hogwarts. I smiled to myself but I was a bit sad on the inside. It was my second last year here.

And Cedric's last, a voice said in my head.

I quickly started looking at the Hufflepuff table, I spotted him easily, having stared at him a good part of last year. As I was looking at him, he caught my eye and we stared at each other. I smiled at him. He gave me a half smile and I promised myself I would go to him after dinner.

"Stop making those lovesick faces at each other!" George grumbled..

"Shut it!" I grumbled back.

"Students, I need your attention please!" Dumbledore said.

I turned to look at him.

"You're so goody goody!" Alicia laughed.

"Hey! It's no ordinary principal, that's Dumbledore there!" I laughed.

"So?" She said.

"That man right there is a living legend!" I said.

"So?" Alicia said.

"Goodness, some day we'll be saying to our kids, that we've actually seen Albus Dumbledore and what will you say, that you didn't listen to him?" I said.

"So you mean to say Dumbledore will die when we'll give birth?" Alicia laughed.

"Noooooooo!" I put my head in my hands!

"Why don't you kneel down again?" Fred asked.

"And there's Diggory, he'll be able to see!" George snickered.


"What happened?" Alicia asked.

They started telling her everything !!!

"Lalalalala! I can't hear you!" I yelled but again it was too loud, thankfully it didn't reach the Hufflepuff table!

Alicia started snickering loudly.

"Students, may I have your attention please," it was Dumbledore again!

"Pay attention, you little twits!" I grumbled.

"Now I have a few start of term announcements to make," Dumbledore started.

I wanted to zone out, it would be the typical, Filch being an arse telling Dumbledore all the rules and that it was the three hundredth and seventh time he was saying this. Blah blah blah.

"There won't be the Quiddich Cup this year,"

OKAY! I was not expecting this.

Even though I was thinking about resigning, nooooooo!

"THAT IS RUBBISH!" Fred and George stood up.

Even Harry looked outraged.

Hermione was looking at us weirdly.

I noticed Cedric look at us in a judgemental way. Huh? Nah, must be my imagination but the rest of the school was incredibly quiet. Was he judging me?

"Because we are holding the Tri-wizard Tournament ," he said..

I've heard about that!

"YOU ARE JOKING!" It was Fred again.

Oh goodness!

Laughter broke up.

I sneaked another look at Cedric, he was laughing too.

"Now only those above seventeen can enter," Dumbledore warned.

Then he droned on and on about how it was important and what the history was! Meh, I will just ask Hermione later on.

The next highlight was Fred and George standing up again because they wanted to enter but they were turning seventeen in April.

Hey, so was I!

Oh my God, I nearly forgot we were born on the same day. I'm a daft bimbo, aren't I?

Wait, Cedric is seventeen. Will he enter?

Hmm, I'll ask him.

That is, if we talk.


As soon as dinner was over, I quickly went over to the Hufflepuff table.

There he was Cedric with his friends. But I instantly felt awkward for some reason. His friends were there and I didn't feel like meeting them. I mean I barely knew them. Oh wait, I didn't know them at all. What could I possibly say?

Thankfully, Talisa saw me.

"Silena!" She waved me over.

All of them were looking at me..





"Hi," I waved awkwardly.

"Hey," the rest of them said together.

I tried to smile but I guess I failed miserably.

"So, you wanted to talk to me?" Talisa said.

Not really, I said in my head.

"Umm, yeah but I also wanted to talk to-" Talisa cut me off.

"Of course," she smirked.

Cedric was just standing there clueless.

Helloooooo, you're the one I want to talk to!

I mean I had the guts to come all the way but he wasn't even moving an inch!

Nothing happened. There was just an awkward silence.

Talisa sensed that.

"Guys, this is Silena, Silena this is Hannah, from my year you know her and Ernie and Justin."

I waved.

"Yeah, Hermione talks about you," I said..

"And then that's Tony over there and that's Shelby and standing next to her well, you know it's Cedric," she smiled..

"Hi," I said, again.

I noticed Shelby for the first time.

She was your typical, blonde with green eyes and bright smile..

She seemed nice.

"Hey!" She said, smiling with her teeth, showing all her pearly whites. I instantly felt conscious of my own teeth, of my looks, of everything. Of my hair, especially. Looking at her golden locks, it was hard to feel confident about the red hair that I had.

"Ced! She wants to talk to you!" Shelby said.

"Oh! Right! Shit, sorry, Silena!" Cedric blushed.

We walked out of the hall, walking quite far away from each other.

I couldn't help her but feel like Shelby was trouble.


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