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As they come closer, I see the infamous...

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the one and only Zakai, "the Trip" Reynolds in the flesh", LaVar says mad loud.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Ball," I say cordially trying to finish this meet up.

The whole time LaVar was talking about the game and all of a sudden he had the never to critic my skills.
"The game was good, but you gotta be more aggressive," he said passively.

Hold the fucking phone. Let me speak truth on this dude. With damn near steam leaving my ears, I say calmly, "With all due respect, let me tell you something. I have, excuse my French, worked my ass of in this game. Scoring the team damn near 100 of the points the whole game. I don't want to sound disrespectful, but you have no right critiquing me on my game. Let me go against you and your sons and you won't even know what the ball feels like ad that's a known fact."

The whole time LaVar is just taking it while Gelo, Melo, and Zo are just silently dying of laughter.

"I understand why you are mad. It was out of place for me to call you out like that," he says.

"Sorry I went off, I already got my brother breathing down my neck, it just wasn't something I wanted to hear right now"

"I understand. I have a proposition for you. I will talk to your parents and see if we can meet up and practice together," he says. After he shakes my hand and walks of with LaMelo.

"Soooooo. That took a lot of balls to go off on my dad like that. And he didn't even clap back. Wowwww," Lonzo said after LaVar left the tunnel.

"I was holding my anger from the whole season and I just needed tole it out."

"Well, I applaud you and your courage," LiAngelo says with a small, comedic clap.

"Alright, so, let's play a game," Zo says as I try to leave the awkward silence that was going on prior to him breaking it.

"I already missed the live-stream, I gotta go to the press conference," I say as I walk away and walk into the locker room.

As I walk in, I see some one I didn't expect to see in a million years.

Kilon Armstrong...

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