Not all Girls are Princesses. Some are Superheroes

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It was late in the evening when Jenna walked down the street towards the coffee shop. She made eye contact with the young man walking a dog. He was mesmerized by her. She had short red hair, red lipstick, and a red scarf. Her black leather jacket accentuated her curves and the clinking of her high heeled boots turned heads. She was beautiful. She walked into the coffee shop and ordered a drink. She sat down and gave Luke the signal. Luke was sitting at a table opposite Jenna. He was wearing a black baseball cap. He tilted his cap towards her. The plan was set in motion. She stood up and walked back outside waving at the young man. "I just had to pet your dog." Jenna told him.

He looked her up and down. "Yeah of course go ahead."

She bent down and petted the dog. The dog wagged its tail in happiness. "Im Paul." The young man said.

"Im Jenna." She said while still petting the dog. Paul could not take his eyes off of her.

"So do you live in this neighborhood?" He asked. "I've never seen you before."

"Oh no. Im staying with a cousin." Jenna told him.

"Where is your cousin?" Paul asked Jenna as he looked around.

"Oh she is working. I didn't want to stay cooped up in the house alone. I decided to take a walk to the coffee shop." She told Paul as she straightened up. Paul looked around once more.

"I can show you around? If you would like?" He asked.

"Sure!" She replied excitedly.

"Although I am not sure you would be comfortable in those heels?" He looked at her questioningly.

She laughed, "Don't worry about me Paul. Just lead the way."

"Alright, can you hold onto Molly for a second? I just need to make a quick phone call before we get going." He told Jenna.

Jenna nodded and took the dogs leash. Paul walked far enough away to get out of hearing range. Jenna bent down and rubbed Molly's head. "He can call whoever he wants Molly." She whispered to the dog, "The more the merrier." Paul walked back over to them.

"Alright let's go." They walked down the street and turned into a neighborhood. Most of the porch lights were off. "The neighborhood park is down this way."

"Great!" She said knowing he was lying.

"So where are you originally from?" Paul asked as they walked.

"A couple hours from here." She replied.

"You're being secretive," he laughed, "I like that."

"So tell me what does a guy like you do?" She smiled.

Without hesitation he responded, "I'm a photographer! I love taking pictures! You could be a model you know?"

"Me a model?" She smiled and looked at his reaction.

"Oh yes! I have connections. I could get you noticed!" He was beaming now, like a snake who had spotted its prey.

"I always wanted to be a model," Jenna played the part well. She noticed the road was getting darker. There were a fair amount of houses that seemed to be unoccupied.

"I can show you all my work! My home is this way!" He pointed in the direction they were already headed.

"How convenient!" She smiled. He took out his phone and sent a text.

"Just right here!" He pointed out an average looking house. Two vans were parked in the driveway. The windows were boarded up.

"Nice place," she said as she looked around.

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