Chapter Nineteen: Please Don't Leave Me

Start from the beginning

"Harry..." Simon cuts him off.

I can tell Harry was starting to heat up, his jaw clenched hard and his nostrils flared. I was too, but I try to remember that all I want is to be with him without having to hide it. Erupting in a huge argument won't help anything. I give his hand a gentle squeeze and he rubs the top of my hand with his thumb. His body relaxes but his face says otherwise.

Harry is a gentle soul and that's one of the many things I like about him, but I can tell he wants to destroy these men. I've only ever seen Harry angry once and that was with management so I know that they definitely can get a rise out of him and he doesn't like that.

"Here's how it's going to be," Joel speaks, clapping his hands together, "The requirement of you two not being together or being seen together is still on. We've just added one more thing to that."

"And that is?" Aleen questions.

The anxiety I was getting while I waited for them to answer was nearly pushing me to the brink, watching them all look at each other and whisper things to one another. They finally look at us again. Neil is the one who speaks first.

"Harry and Selena will be assigned a PR Stunt Relationship with other people in the industry," He reveals. "One that doesn't put your careers in danger—much like what you've chosen for yourselves recently. Harry will be seen with model Kendall Jenner, whom he has had previous stunts with and Selena will be seen out with Samuel Krost."

Our eyes widen, both of us immediately letting out the word: what. I stand up from my chair so fast you could hear it screeching the floor. I feel my mom grab my arm but I yank it away.

I know Harry has had some experience with this sort of thing, PR Stunts, but I haven't done these at all. Aleen has done all she can to protect me from these, knowing that having a relationship with someone is important to me and I wouldn't want to have a fake one with someone I don't know.

"There's absolutely no way that I'm doing this. Find another solution." My temperature is now at it's highest and now it's Harry's turn to calm me down by holding my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Fight it all you want, Ms. Gomez, but it's happening. Krost and Jenner have already been informed." Tracey sneers. "Granted, they weren't very fond with the request as well but regardless, this is happening."

"No!" I shout, "I'm not going to be torn away from someone I actually like and be forced to go public with someone I don't even know!"

"Selena..." Aleen warns.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Gomez." Tracey yells over me, standing up as well. "But there's nothing you or Mr. Styles can do about it. Deal with it."

"No, hell no!" I scoff, "I'm not going to deal with it. How about you deal with this—I'm not going to go out with Samuel Krost to satisfy you fucking morons." I spit out, my anger burning up.

Joel stands up with me and Tracey, "You do that and you're going to be wishing you hadn't." He threatens me.

Harry gets up and stands closer to me, "Don't threaten her, you got it?"

My heart warms up from his protectiveness but nothing could distract me from the amount of anger I feel right now. First they forbid me to be with someone that for the first time in forever, made me happy. Then they go and tell me that I'm going to be dating some stranger and Harry is going to be dating someone else as well? It's all fucking absurd.

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