Episode 2 Season 1

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'Can I join you?' he asked politely

'Yeah...sure' you said uncertainly

'Do you want the truth?' he smirked


'It's Starbucks, look at your cup'

You looked at your cup an saw your name on it. OMG, how could I forget about it?

'So, you are Grayson, I guess?' you said, looking at his cup

'Wow, how did you know that?' he said playfully

You smiled. Someone made you smiled. You felt a little bit better, but not enough to forget about your thoughts

'So, why are you crying? Is something wrong?' he said gently, trying not to hurt you and tour feeling because he didn't know what is going on

'Umm, just overthinking too much, never mind...' You said shyly 'and you? why do you care? care about me? You don't even know me' you said sheepishly

'Ugh..I dont know, I hate seeing beautiful girls crying' he blushed 'Is everything really okay?'

'Yeah.. totally, thanks'

'Are you free today?' he said

'What? Why?'

'Maybe we can hang out? I feel like you need a company, don't you? I don't want you to feel alone'

'Um, yeah..maybe that will be helpful'

'Great, let's meet at the park?' He asked with kindness in his eyes

'Yeah.. Maybe at 2 pm?'

'I'll be there'

He stood up and went away, leaving his number on the table

There was written this:

'See you later, beautiful'

Your POV

Wow, someone called me beautiful. Who is he? I just accepted an invitation from a stranger? Okay, from a handsome stranger? why? Why would I do that?

End of POV

Imagine this.... Grayson DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon