"Pretty much." Lucas replied laughing.

"So you know bout this whole Bachelor party thing right?" Claudia asked.

"Oh Claudia!" Lucas exclaimed walking up to her. "Look, it's just goofy guy stuff OK?" Lucas asked reassuringly.

"I know. I just wish he'd done his goofy guy stuff before we got married." Claudia expressed playing with her wedding ring nervously.

"Well he would've, if you'da gotten married ten years from now." Lucas muttered and Claudia gave him a 'don't start' look. "Joking! Sorry!" Lucas laughed holding up his hands. 

"Would you just look after him?" Claudia asked awkwardly.

"I'll tell you what; I will sacrifice myself and go to the bachelor party to take care of Nathan." Lucas explained and Claudia laughed,

"Oh, you're so heroic." Claudia muttered sarcastically and they high-fived. "Thank you." She smiled. 

"Hey yo, check it out, we got these trash can set up like bowling pins right. So I figured we just gonna roll Mouth's squirrelly little ass right on into em." Skills exclaimed and Claudia laughed. 

"Oh-ho, I so got next." Claudia exclaimed as she ran out of Lucas's room.


"All the important numbers are by the phone...police, fire, pimps." Claudia laughed as she finished putting her earrings in. She walked up to Nathan and Tim in the living room.

"Thanks for worrying about us." Nathan said jokingly as Claudia put her arms around Nathan from behind the sofa.

"I'm not worried about you. Have your fun, just remember," Claudia said as she kissed Nathan, "you're married now and you are mine." Claudia smiled as they was a knock on the door.

"She's here!" Tim exclaimed as he jumped over the couch to get to the door before Claudia could.  "Stripper time." He sang as he opened the door to see it was Lucas. "Oh it's just you." Tim groaned.

"Not the thrill it used to be huh?" Lucas joked as she smacked his shoulder and entered. "Hi." Lucas said as he hugged Claudia.

"OK, uh, I left some ones on the counter, in case you don't have any change don't spend it all in one," Claudia said as she stood next to the door, "place." She muttered awkwardly before she left. 


"Haha! I can not believe you rented this for my shower!" Claudia shouted as she stood next to Haley. The girls were all sitting in the limo.

"Brooke this is crazy." Claudia exclaimed as she looked around her. Brooke just shrugged at her.

"Crazy is Claudia is translated to thank you." Haley joked and Claudia nodded her head.

"Oh yeah god, Brooke, thank you. I'm I-I'm blown away by all this." Claudia exclaimed smiling.

"You're welcome." Brooke said as she opened the drink box lid. 

"I think someone feels a little guilty about the whole pregnancy rumour." Peyton whispered to Haley and Claudia.

"Oh." Claudia whispered and Peyton nodded her head. "Well, water under the bridge." Claudia replied.

"Forget the water, lets have champagne." She smiled handing the girls champagne.

"Yes." Haley and Peyton exclaimed, Claudia was too busy looking at the piece of black silk.

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