Dad-Brianna go sit down and eat.

I sat at the table but I didn't eat anything. Why they won't just leave me alone? I'm not hungry.
Hakeem POV

I don't know why Bri is being difficult today. She refusing to eat and then having a lil bad ass attitude with her grandma. What the hell going on with her?

Miss Janice asked me to come in the front to talk.

Miss Janice-Hakeem u need to watch her and make sure she eats cause she did this before.

Me-What did she do?

Miss Janice-She was starving herself and she ended up passing out and being in the hospital for a week. When is the last time she ate actual food?

Me-Yesterday morning.

Miss Janice-Make her eat even if she says she's not hungry make her eat. Because she will go days without eating. She might drink some water or something here or there but sometimes she won't even do that.


Me-Why do she do that?

Miss Janice-I don't know. She wouldn't talk about it. Once she got out of the hospital, her mom took her home and then I didn't see her for another two months. And sometimes when I did see her, she would have bruises on her. One time she came here with a black eye and I know that she didn't hit it on the side of their stove like she said.

Me-So u saying she was being abused by her mom?

Miss Janice-I don't know if it was by her mom but someone in that house was abusing her.

Me-Do u think that's why she isn't eating?

Miss Janice-No I don't think so because signs of abuse didn't come until a little after her mom got that new boyfriend about two or so weeks after Bri got out the hospital.

Me-Ok so what should I do to try to get her to eat?

Miss Janice-You're her dad. U do what u think u need to do. When she got that attitude with me and refused to eat, I whooped her behind and she straightened up but u might not believe in all that cause these young parents these days act like they too scared to discipline their kids.

I do whoop kids shit. I ain't scared to do it. They do sum they know they ain't supposed to be doing then all my kids know that they gon get they ass beat. Even tho Bri ain't got into no trouble like that since she been living with me, she still know that she will get her ass whooped if she doing sum that she know is wrong or for being disrespectful.

I finished talking to Miss Janice and then we went back in the kitchen. Bri still haven't ate nothing.

We just gon leave and go to the cemetery and we will stop to eat on our way back home or we might just go out to eat with everybody when we get back.

When we got to the cemetery, we pulled up outside the gates and Bri got out the car.

It was some lil nigga walking down the street and when Bri saw him, she ran to him and hugged him.

Bri-I missed u Amir.

Amir-I missed u too Bri. U here to see Jay?

She nodded.

Bri-Will u come with me?

Amir-Yea come on.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked over to Jay's grave.

This nigga gotta be like 16 or 17 so they must've knew each other for a long time. He prolly was close to Jay.

My brothers nem pulled up and they seen her over there with Amir.

His Unknown DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora