Chapter 2: Diamond Cadillac

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The room had to spin like 20 times within the span of an hour. I was on an unexplanable trip so much so that I couldn't feel my face or hands. My lace crop top, cut up jeans and diamonds complimented my hair in a high ponytail. I was floating. Floating so high I forgot Clint hadn't come home for the past two nights and there was a black bruise around my neck that I was using a diamond choker to cover up. Who knew Clint was abusive?
What controlling CEO isn't? Go figure right?

I was too high to give a fuck and the music was way too loud. I had made my way to the room Riley wanted us to meet in. I pushed my way inside... Marcella was already in there in a black body-suit... Silver thigh high glitter boots and silver earrings I knew she busted it open for. Shit... I was as high as giraffe nuts and still almost blinded by Marcella's earrings so I knew she fucked for them for sure. Marcella's family had money but not money like THAT. I sat on the bed and somehow my head ended up in Marcella's lap. "It took you long enough." Judging by her slurred speech she was just as high as I was... If not more. Riley finally came in...closing the door behind her like the feds were after her. When it came to Riley pretty was an understatement.

Riley was a gorgeous white girl. Standing at 5 ft 7... Wavy blonde hair... Cheek bones you could sink your teeth into... Riley gave you Gi Gi Hadid tease. Riley and I had been doing business on and off for four years. Riley was sweet... 24 years old with two Master's degrees and as smart as a whip. But if you crossed Riley... You saw a side you didn't want to ever witness. I always thought Riley was a bit mentally off in the head though. Some say she was touched by her own dad... Others say her mom used to sell her for drugs. All I know is Riley went through some sick and twisted shit with a sick, twisted family. She got emancipated at 17 and moved to California to live her life and do things her way. She does a lot of modeling and gets paid to make appearances on random instagram skits and videos... Pretty well known chick. Riley came in with a tight Adidas outfit on and black red bottoms.

Damn. She was higher than Marcella and I combined. "About time you whores showed up." She said. We all hugged and kissed. We were at some rich white kid's house party... A friend of a friend. The music was so loud it shook the walls. Riley sat down and began to speak... "Okay we got three dudes offering 2 grand each."

"How they look?" Marcella asked. Before we could say anything else... Riley whipped out her phone. Typical nice looking medium build Italian dudes with sharp cheek bones, too much gel in their hair... Who wore Rolex watches and drove foreign cars.

"I guess I can work with it." I said. Marcella nodded to second that. '
"Okay so 2 grand each good?" Riley asked. Marcella shrugged. She was used to atleast 3 grand a pussy pop. I was used to about 4. But hey, who would turn down more than a thousand? That would be my trip to Miami for a weekend at the least.

Riley took a deep breath in.."Cool let's get freshened up. Kitties clean and fresh and breaths of perfection." We all got up slowly... Highly slowly to be exact. The room still spun. There was a bathroom in the room. I could tell it was a guestroom by the many towels and toiletries. While Riley and Marcy freshened up near the sink... I snuck a call to Clint while sitting on the edge of the tub. "You have reached Clinton Moore... I can't get to the ph.... I hung up. Not wanting to think about the bullshit I called out to Riley. "You got the candy?" She turned around and gave me a high smile. "Do I ever?" She walked over to me and dug in her pocket. "Okay now this isn't ordinary Molly... This is real deal heavy duty shit. Shit'll have you seeing pink unicorns and glitter Cadillacs and shit."
I laughed. "Perfect" was my only reply. She handed me one... I handed her a $20 bill. We were all girls but I didn't believe in free lunch. My bitch was trying to live like the rest of us. Not even 5 minutes after I popped it... All I could remember was fucking a buff Italian dude on the bathroom floor. He smelled good and the sex was amazing... Rockstar amazing. He picked me up and did all kinds of tricks.

"You so sexy baby" we both kept taking shots of Hennessy and then got back to business. Riley was in the far corner of the room with the other Italian dude... Marcella on the bed. We had Chris Brown playing loud to set the mood. Italian dude was aggressive as hell. He pulled my hair and gripped my throat. I remember saying 2 grand for 2 hours but the molly made me forget hours. I think we had sex for atleast three hours. I couldn't feel much anyway. Cute Italian dude seemed to be getting more pleasure out of it than me. By 4am he was passed out on the bathroom floor. I had never seen someone do that many lines of Coke in my whole life.

I sat on the bed... Counting my money. The youngest looking Italian dude... The one Marcella fucked was the only one up... Dancing drunkenly with a bottle of Rose' in his hand. Riley seemed to be getting pure entertainment out of watching his drunk ass. Marcella... Not too much.

"Come on ladies you wanna have a good time?"
"We already did" Marcella said in a low monotone. "The party's not overrrrr laddddies come onnnnnn!" It was quite clear this was young man's first time paying for an expensive piece of ass. I was sure he just turned 21.... A spoiled rich kid just wanting to blow money on a pricey pretty hooker just to say he did it. I watched him close after counting my money. So did Riley. All 3 of us caught a vibe and not a good one.

"Come on ladies let's get down! I'll pay for all 3 of ya!" Riley laughed "That would be your parent's whole pension my love."
He laughed that off... Still dancing around the room... Bottle in hand. "Come on... That pussy was good I want more." He said to Marcella. Clearly he was off more than Coke, liq, and Molly. I knew a real junkie when I saw one. Dude was straight off either Heroin or Meth. A fresh addict because he still looked good. He had on a blue Gucci suit jacket, white T-shirt underneath... Gold chain, Jeans and blue and gold Sperry's. He was cute but annoying as shit.

"Someone put a muzzle on this dog!" Marcella shouted. I could tell she was growing tired of him. "Come on let's have some fun! Come on!" He danced and pranced. I found him funny as shit. I had an idea since funny guy wanted to have some fun. I nodded to Riley... Who caught my drift. She took out the stash of Coke and Molly and sat it on the nightstand by the bed.
"Since you're such a bad ass let's finish this. You leave any behind you owe us all a thousand dollars."

He looked at Riley like the proposition she just made was child's play. "Too easy!" He said... Walking over to the stash. He took a credit card out his pocket and began cutting at the coke. I stood near him... Popping a Molly and looking at Riley who looked at me. Marcella walked over and popped another Molly also.

We began doing lines together and dancing around laughing and drinking. We were challenging mr Billy bad ass. While taking his last line... He passed out. All of us laughed. "Finally he can shut the fuck up." Marcella said, walking over him to lay on the bed. I was in a chair near the dresser just about passed out myself.

Soon... "Oh my gosh!" Was all I heard Riley say. It was enough to know that whatever it was... It wasn't good. "Oh my gosh!" She said again. I got up... Too high to keep myself up, but managing. What I saw below me knocked all of the high out of me. My eyes got wide... My lips began to feel dry. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. His face was blue... His eyes wide open looking up at the ceiling. Marcella got up.... She saw him and bent over to feel his pulse.

"That's it Marcy... He's dead." I said... Knowing Marcella was in shock just as much as Riley and I were. Marcella stood up and looked into my eyes... I into hers. She then looked over to her right at Riley... Who looked back at Marcella. We all looked at eachother.

It was obvious he had overdosed. "Let's go." I said to the both of them. It was silent... All you could hear was the lady from Pandora asking... "Still listening?.... Still listening?" Riley nodded... "Yeah yeah... Yeah. Let's... Let's go" she quickly grabbed her clutch off the bed and walked to the door... Marcella and I followed. The other two guys were still passed out. To think of how they would feel to see their friend dead in the morning was enough to literally blow my mind. It was too much. We got down the stairs... People were still at the house... most passed out or being horny toads.

We walked out of the door as casually as we could. All three of us getting in the same uber. The ride home had to be the loneliest... Darkest ride in history.

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