They grinned at my heavy fake British accent.

"Yes General." Joseph, one of my teammates said. While Victor, the other, laughed.

"Then letest thou enter the field of battle and  go forth and claim our birthrights and beateth the shit out of these idiots while we're at it." I lifted my mallet like a sword. "Hazaa!! And onward men!!"

They shook their heads as the match began.

As position number one, I was protecting my number four who prevented the other team from scoring and allowing our number three to attempt more offensive play.

I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I avoided the 'line of the ball.' It's an imaginary line created by the ball as it travels down the field. It is put in place to allow players to approach the ball safely.

By the first chukka we were behind two points which did not sit well with me but  luckily we had enough time to catch up.

I dismounted giving Titan a rest and had another horse brought out.

I watch as the cheerleader ran onto the field cheering us on and taunting the other team when the music changed signalling the start of their dance number.

I jumped of the bench after guzzling half a bottle of water and ran onto the field with them. I watched them intently remembering the choreography I had seen them practise earlier. When the tempo of the music increased I jumped in the middle, moving my body in sync with theirs. They laughed as I danced with them, but didn't seem to mine my little disrution of their routine.

They parted, leaving a pathway for me, so I ran then slid on my knees then flipped over and grabbed Zoey' s hand and spinned her. The crowd went wild, screaming and laughing at my antic.

As the song ended I heard my coach screaming. "Sloan get your ass back on that horse!!"

I bowed to the crowd then turned to the cheerleaders and did the same while winking, before I ran to my horse.

The chukka had ended and we were at it again. Leading by a few points, we were dominating the match.

I had intercepted all my opponents and shut them down, giving them no chance to stop our three and four. "Onward to victory men!" I shouted with a huge smile on my face, as our number Two scored another.

From the corner of my eye I realized something was not right. The three and four for the other team was  getting too close Joseph and Victor.

"Tony behind you." I shouted. He turned and saw then nodded towards me. I rode over to them side saddle as they attempted to 'hook' my teammates.

Those who don't know, major foul. I slid back on my horse and flipped so I was facing behind, I reached over and pulled the mallet from Victor's reins as Tony did the same for Joseph.

When they were free, Joseph scored again. I was so engrossed in helping them out, didn't realize saddle had been pulled. I slid to the side, the saddle falling off and I'm completely off the horse almost touching the ground as it rode.

I held onto the reins tightly, hearing gasps in the background, I focused and drew all my strength and swung myself up.

Riding bare back is no fun, luckily we were issued multiple penalties and after Joseph scored four out of the five shots the game ended with us as victors.

As we got off our horses the crowd came rushing towards us, but my only concern was a sexy brunette with my jacket on. She came barreling towards me then crashed into me, her arms wrapped around me tightly squeezing the life out of me.

"Holy shit! Are you okay?! Fuck I was so worried when you fell. What the hell happened?!" She fired at me.

I just stared at her.

"Sabastienne answer me!"

"You were worried about me?" I asked with a small smile.

"Well of course I was, how could I not be?"

I pulled her I to me and kissed her cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?" She mumbled.

"For caring."

"How could I not."

"And I didn't fall, that fuck face pulled my saddle." I said and pointed to a guy on the other team.

Robyn turned red but she wasn't blushing. "What?!" She snapped and ran over before I could stop her. "Hey you, yeah you, you piece of shit. You could have killed her!"

He had the audacity to smirk.

Robyn launched herself at him but she barely got a punch before he shoved her roughly.

I saw red.

I was on him before he blinked, punching his face so fiercely I heard bones snap and felt blood gushing between my fingers. A crowd quickly gathered around us, my teammates tried prying me off him but I refused to let the little fuck off so easily.

"Mess with me..." I growled. "But touch her and I'll fucking kill you!" I kicked him in the nuts then pulled Robyn to me and walked  the stables.

No one followed us.

"Baby relax, just calm down."

I paced back and forth then kicked at the stable doors in anger and frustration until they almost fell off the hinges.

"I'm sorry I lost it so bad Robyn."

She pulled me into her arms and hugged me. "It's okay baby."

"I don't like when people touch my things Robyn. And you're mine." I said hoping I didn't scare her away.

She surprised me.

"I know, and every bit of you belongs to me." She smiled. "Even the infuriatingly cocky parts."

"I can't help it." I mumbled in her neck. "I'm too awesome to contain."

She laughed and tugged my head out. "Maaaybe." She smiled and pressed her lips to mine.

Let Her Go (girlxgirl) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now