all are happy to see swara back
ap gets teary eyed seeing swara.swara too gets emotional.
sanskar – swara now please stop this emotional drama. Lets take blessings from all.come (laughs)
Both ap and sujatha beat him
sujatha – thare ko ye drama lag raha hai(it seems to be a drama for u ha ??)
swara smiles – see now my both mothers are supporting me.waise where is our uttara.she is the main character now...
uttara comes from behind and says – i am here bhabhi. Dekha aap sab ne my bhabhi came for me.(did u all see my Bhabhi came for my sake) Tanq bhabhi i love u (and hugs her)
Swara – love u too my dear
uttara – dont tell to me, tell to bhai. See him how he is feeling jealous. Ohhhh bhai i am a girl so no problm ok (laughs)
Sanskar (fake anger) – uttara now please leave us and concentrate on urself...
all leave to their respective rooms.
before leaving ap calls swara
ap – swara beta...
swara – ha badima
ap – be ready at 6pm. They told that they will arrive at 7:00. We have to arrange the things na ??
Swara – badimaa u dont take tension. I will make everything ready for the function.u just come down at 6:45.
ap – par beta u too are tired Na(but child u too r tired)
swara – no badima i am fine u go.
they both leaves.
sanskar sees all this.
when swara enters the room.
sanskar drags her and hugs her
swara – sanskar wat r u doing ??
Sanskar – i am really impressed by u swara, these days u r really tired. But still u are doing all these.
swara – sanskar its my responsibility. I am daughter in law of this house.i should fulfill my responsibility na ??
Sanskar – acha madam u became dil of this house becozzz u r my wife so first fulfill that responsibility.
swara – sanskar shut up.first let me freshen up and i hav to do the arrangements.
swara gets freshen up and does all arrangements.
she finishes it. at that time sanskar comes and sees swara. she is not at ready.
sanskar comes near swara and says to her – swara if they see u like this i mean in this attire they will definetly ask me if u r a maid in this house.
swara beats sanskar
swara – sanskarrr how dare u ha ??
Sanskar – then wat should i do ?? Ha look at urself. Ur hair is messed up.ur clothes are full of dirt.
swara sees herself
swara – i am sry sanskar now i will go and get ready
sanskar – ok but wait madam sorry kisliye. Meri behan ko apni behan maan kar sara kaam ki thi tumne isliye sry bol rahi ho ha ??(madam...y sry ha ?? U thought of my sister as Ur sister and did all the arrangements r u telling sry for that ??) (Sarcastic)
Swara – sanskar nthng like that. Uttara is my sister too so i can do that
sanskar overwhelmed – i am so lucky to hav u....
ap dp rp sujatha all comes from behind and says – we r all lucky to hav u beta and all smiles.
swara smiles and goes to get ready.
in the mean while
they all arrive.
they all are impressed by the arrangements
grooms father – we like the arrangements very well.
dp – ji our bahu did all this. I mean sanskar’s wife.
grooms father – oh where is she ??
Sanskar – actually she took care of all the arrangements till now... so she went to get ready.
grooms mother – oh ok
sanskar aaks groom – so u  r rahul right ??
Rahul – ji ha
sanskar (casually) – so wat r u doing ??
Rahul – i completed my mba and handling my father’s business...
just then swara comes down
grooms’s family gets shocked to see her
groom’s mother and father – swara…..
rahul – swara di..
sanskar and all are surprised
Dp – ji do u know her ??
Swara – rahul tum ??
Rahul goes towards her and holds her shoulders and says – di how r u ?? And u here ??
Swara – ha rahul i am..
sanskar – she is my wife rahul.(to swara)swara u know him ??
Swara – ha sanskar (she takes rahul holding his hand and makes him sit and she takes blessings from his parents.her mother hugs swara.)
Swara goes and stands beside sanskar and says – badepappa rahul is mohit’s best frnd. I know him very well. Infact i know their family very well.
dp – ohh ok
grooms father – but swara u didnot inform about ur marg
rahul – ha di even Mohit didnot inform me about this.
swara – woh...actually it happened in a hurry so...acha rahul leave all that. I am happy that u r the person who came to see uttara. Actually i didnot ask the details. So i dont know...
ap – swara patineetha go and bring uttara down
Adarsh and laksh sits beside rahul and kept on asking questions.
finally they see uttara and uttara and rahul talk and they leave.
dp – swara how are they ?? I mean their family ??
Swara – they r good badepappa but decision is uttara’s
uttara – i want some time bhabhi
dp – ok uttara u take ur time and inform ur bhais or ur bhabhi’s
swara – ok sanskar chale (she meant that she wants to go to room but all think that she is going back to gm)
ap – swara beta ja rahi ho ??(swara beta...r u going ??)
Swara – ha badi ma actually we finished all the work and dinner too so i thought to leave to my......
laksh – but bhabhi we missed u alot stay here for few more days na ??
Swasan understood and laughs
Sanskar – arre lucky ur bhabhi is telling that we r going to our room not her house. Actually she informed her badepappa that she will come after two days.
laksh becomes happy and hugs her.
laksh – i am so happy bhabhi....
all become happy
they chit chat for sometime and leave to their rooms.


mr.malhotra on phone – rithik beta swara is asking me continuosly. I can see pain in her eyes for u. Plzzzz come and meet her. U no need to tell her the truth. But please meet her once
rithik – no dad if i meet her i cant hide the truth and moreover she is married now and she has many distractions so she will forget me.
mr.malhotra – ok ur wish.

DR. SWARA AND MR. SANSKAR LEADS TO SWASAN Where stories live. Discover now