My Name is ...

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Taehyung wakes up from his deep weird detailed dream, to find himself inside of his own luxury room. The bed is too soft and the room is way cleaner than what he got inside of his dream. A dream of Taehyung living as another guy near the outskirt of the Busan city. It is not something Taehyung should concern about a little thing like it but he couldn't stop thinking about that particular dream - able to see the life of someone else, having another perspective of thoughts.

Taehyung changes into his usual casual-looking clothes for his class this afternoon. A simple black sweater hoodie with black pants, Taehyung looks at his reflection on the mirror. He still remember clearly on every details of the person he lived in his dream. He was shorter but muscular, had a sharp jaws and small eyes and hair was gold in colour. Taehyung's room was completely different in his dream. It was small, messy and a lots of medicine on the table. Not to mention his name was not Taehyung - but Jimin.

"Morning." His sister greeted him as she serves his breakfast on the table.

"Morning, noona."

She suddenly leans herself close to Taehyung's face, making the boy to fluster at his sister's action.

"Wha- What're you doing?"

"Do you remember my name?" She asked as she squints her eyes at him.

"Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon. Why did you ask me that?"

Taeyeon hums to his correct answer and leans away from her brother, putting the pan into the sink.

"Nothing. Yesterday, you were acting so weird, you didn't know my name. You didn't even know your name. You got me so worried."

Taehyung tries not to choke to hear it. He is clearly remember he did nothing weird yesterday and he is pretty sure the conversation of him not knowing the name did not exist yesterday. But Taeyeon will never lie to him.

"What happened yesterday?" Taeyeon blinks at his question.

"You don't remember?"

Taehyung shakes his head, genuinely lost.

"You woke up and asking me who I was and what's your name. Then ..." Taeyeon looks up as she tries to remember yesterday's event. "Then you went to school but you didn't even know where it was."

Taehyung did not know his own school? That's weird.

"Then I guess you spent your time with Hoseok and Jungkook?" She shrugs. "I don't know."

Taehyung does not have any memory on what his sister has just said. Did he do something out of his own conscious yesterday? He doesn't quite sure about that. Taehyung shakes it off from his head and going to the school, riding his favourite and one and only bicycle he has. It doesn't feel different than his routine until he walks into the class and got so many eyes looking at him – as if he did something.

He might did something wrong.

"Tae!" His friend, Hoseok greeted him at Taehyung's table, followed by Jungkook behind his back. "How're you feeling today? Weird out again?" Jungkook nudges Hoseok's arm and smiles at Taehyung.

"What do you mean?"

"You were acting so crazy yesterday. Everyone freaked out." Hoseok said.

"Crazy as in how crazy?"

Taehyung asked because that question is important. Taehyung knows his own level of craziness but if everyone were freaking out over his craziness yesterday, he wonders how bad it was.

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