Friends With Secrets [Johnlock]

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The two boys had been meeting by the lake for almost a year now.

Before, when John had asked, Sherlock claimed that John could not come to his house or meet his parents because they were very enclosed and kept to themselves. A pair of recluses.

That, Sherlock had said, was why they had to meet in secret in the dead of night. Because his parents would fret over him leaving the house during the day.

All lies. Sherlock's parents were in fact dead. He lived with his brother, who was very much out in the open- often on the news giving a speech or gently clapping his hands as he awarded someone of significance to the kingdom.

Now, Sherlock had to tell the truth. Tell John why they really had to meet in secret.

Mycroft, Sherlock's only and eldest brother was leaving the country for a few months. This meant Sherlock had to take over his duties- his duties as King.

That meant public appearances. John was bound to see him on the news.

So tonight, Sherlock is going to tell his best- his only- friend that he is the Prince. Prince Holmes (Sherlock never told John his surname and the kingdom had never had reason to know his first. To the kingdom, he was a faceless, nameless shadow that would possibly take the throne one day)

Sherlock sits with his feet dangling in the water and his sleeves rolled up, the moon shining down on his face, as he waits for John. Nerves flutter and swell in his stomach as he hears the crunch on John's footsteps approaching.

When John falls beside Sherlock and bumps his shoulder, it does little to calm Sherlock's nerves.

"Hey, you" John chuckles, ruffling Sherlock's curls as he does.

Sherlock manages a smile as he leans against John, who was now removing his shoes and dipping his own feet into the cool water. John shivers a little before leaning into Sherlock as well, grinning again.

John's grin drops the moment he gets a glimpse of Sherlock's face. "Okay, what's wrong?"

Sherlock sighs. "We need to talk"

"Don't we always talk?" John teases.

"John. Please, I'm trying to have a serious conversation here" Sherlock closes his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath.

John's smile falls again and he nods.

Sherlock takes a moment to compose himself and he looks forward, watching the water swirl beautifully. So calm and gentle. The complete opposite of how Sherlock felt right now.

John hand is then resting on Sherlock's bicep, squeezing gently. It's the first thing to calm Sherlock. A moment later, however, Sherlock's panic sky rockets because of the very fact John could calm him.

If Sherlock loses John...

He didn't even want to think about that.

"Sherlock, you know you can tell me anything"

Sherlock nods. He knows. He knows that he can tell John anything and that makes it all the harder to know what he's going to say next may destroy all the trust between them.

"I know you value honesty, John, so I thought it best I tell you myself... I.. I've been lying to you"

John's hand drops and he frowns, bemused. "Oh"

Sherlock winces at that. John had always been one to value honesty. He could overlook secrecy, but out right lying was a different matter.

"My parents...." How to word it? Straight forward, simple, to the point. "They're dead"

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