Facing the truth

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A couple of days has past, and Ally was not feeling any better. At this point she already knew why..

It was not the flu, and it was not the stomach bug. For the last days she's been beating around the bush. She didn't want it to be true.

It was the morning, and she had finish throwing up her dinner from last night. She washed her face and looked at the mirror

She had to do it...She had to find out..

Today was Friday, their last show in Portland before Massachusetts. You can imagine it was a big show.. it was stressful enough.

She went to her purse and pulled out a box and went back into the bathroom

Last night, she went to the store to purchase the test. Without him knowing.. she was going to tell him regardless, but she just had to find out first.. for some odd reason.

Luckily it was 6:00 in the morning, Austin was still dead asleep..

She paced back and fourth contemplating if she  wanted to wake him

She took her phone and FaceTimed her best friend Trish.

" hey bestie! What are you calling me for isn't like 6 am in Portland?" Trish said

" Trish" Ally said

" yes" Trish asked " what's up"

Ally looked at her in almost distress

" what's wrong?" Trish asked " did you and Austin get into a fight?"

" no..it's not that" ally said

" then what is it?" Trish asked

She held up the box and Trish's jaw dropped

" what the.. are you?" Trish asked

" I don't know.. I think I am.. but I'm too scared to even take it" Ally said

" does he know" Trish asked

Ally shook her head " he's asleep.. I need someone to get me to do this that's why I called you"

" okay.. okay.. calm down" Trish said " take a deep breath.. okay.. it might be a scare you never know"

" I know, but last time I had scares I wasn't this scared.. something in me is telling me.. that it's not a scare, this time I'm literally about to lose my mind" Ally said quietly

" don't you guys want Kids?" Trish asked

" yea, but later down the road.. my God I'm scared .." Ally said

" just take it I'm here okay? Love you.. no matter what it says I love you, and he loves you.. and you'll get through it okay?" Trish said

" okay." Ally nodded

She was shaking as she took the test out
Shaking as she peed on the stick

And trembling as she walked away from the test waiting  on the timer  to go off

" okay let's think about something else to distract you" Trish said

" I can't that stick is all I'm thinking about! That stick holds my faith.. Austin and I's faith.. holy crap.." ally said as she paced " I swore we did everything we could to prevent this from happening.."

" ally.. ally.. ALLY!" trish called out

" yes!" Ally said

" the timer went off." Trish said

Ally's heart was racing fast.. super fast

She went closer, and even with her glasses on, anxiety blurred her vision.. she was feeling sick again.. on a verge of panic

She picked up the test

And gasped covering her mouth

" what? What! I'm about to puke tell me!!" Trish said

" it's... it's" ally said stuttering " oh my god"

" oh my god" Trish said covering her mouth

Ally slid down

And Trish could hear her sobbing

She didn't know weather to feel happy or scared for her bestfriend

" Trish what do I do?" Ally cried " what do I do? How do I tell him."

" oh God.." Trish also cried " I'm so happy for you.. but scared for you.."

Ally stood up and wiped her eyes " we're gonna have a baby.. a child .. holy shit.."

" well congratulations.. I'm happy for you.. aren't you happy?" Trish said

" yea.. I don't know how to feel.. I don't know how to tell him" ally said

" hey.. ally are you In the bathroom?" She heard his voice

" shit I gotta go!" Ally said hanging up on Trish

" just a minute!" Ally said as she scrambled to hide the stuff

" why'd you lock the door?" He asked trying to open the door

She unlocked the door

" I almost pissed my self Jesus" he said rushing past her

Her worries were far from over. She's pregnant with Austin's child, and sure they're married, but they were on tour at the top of their Career, a baby was the last and furthest thing on their mind.

She had to tell him.. maybe after tour was over? Maybe tonight before the show? Maybe after? Pressure was on.. this baby was not planned.

How could they be so reckless? They agreed no babies not for a long time a least. They are so busy, even to busy to have any pets let alone a child.

Her heart was racing fast as he was finishing up in the bathroom

He came out and saw her waiting for him

" hey what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He said chuckling

She shook her head " good morning"

" oh right! sorry, good morning.." he said kissing her " I'm glad you finally got over your sickness ready for tonight?"

She nodded " yea.. I am"

" good" he smiled

" hey I wanna tell you something.." she said

" hmm... what is it?"He asked " make it quick we gotta get ready today is a huge show sweetheart"

" um..."
to be continued..

That's the end of chapter 2!! Will she tell him in chapter 3? Stay tuned to find out!

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